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篇名 心智理論教學提昇自閉症幼兒社會技巧成效之研究
卷期 143
並列篇名 The Effects of Theory-of-mind Teaching on Social-skill Behaviors for Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
作者 李淑芬張正芬葉啓斌
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 自閉症心智理論autism spectrum disordertheory of mind
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2017.143.1-10


本研究在探討自閉症幼兒接受心智理論教學後社會技巧的進步情形。研究對 象為13 位自閉症幼兒(平均年齡5 歲),以及13 位典型發展幼兒(平均年齡4 歲9 個月)。每位自閉症幼兒接受十次團體的心智理論教學,以心智理論量表與 文蘭適應行為量表的前後測結果作為進步的代表。研究結果顯示自閉症幼兒在教 學前,心智理論能力低於典型發展幼兒且達顯著水準;教學後,心智理論能力較 教學前明顯提升且趨近典型發展幼兒的表現;且在溝通、人際關係、遊戲與休閒 等能力亦有提昇。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of theory of mind teaching on the increasing of social-skill behaviors of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD). The subjects were 13 children with ASD, aged 3-6 years old (M=5; 0), ( IQ ≧ 70), and 13 children with typically development controls (M=4; 9). All subjects were administered the WPPSI-R and the theory-of-mind scale. Parents were in the groups both before and after completing Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS). Each subject accepted 10 times the group therapy of theory-of-mind teaching. The obtained data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and a t-test. The results showed that theory-ofmind scores for the subjects were significantly lower than controls before therapy. After therapy, the subjects have improved the theory-of-mind scores, and communication, socialization, play skills of VABS.
