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篇名 台灣老人研究困境之分析-質性描述性研究
卷期 28:2=98
並列篇名 Challenges Pertaining to Recruitment and Retention of Older Adults in Research Studies: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
作者 陳素惠梁雁秋邵榮華
頁次 206-218
關鍵字 老人質性研究研究困境內容分析older adultqualitative researchresearch challengescontent analysis
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/102673012017062802002


背景:台灣老年人口日益增加,正面臨健康照護的挑戰,要尋求解決方案,透過研究過程是一重 要策略。而老人研究所面臨的挑戰與其他族群不同,但現今台灣較少針對老人研究困境進 行探討。 目的:瞭解老人研究過程之困境。 方法:應用質性研究之內容分析法,分析自民國97 年12 月至100 年11 月,為期三年三階段老人 研究過程中,從招募老人、資料收集、到結案,研究者所面臨的困境,包括研究人員之研 究過程記錄( 共26 篇) 與研究團隊每二週進行一次之研究討論會會議記錄( 共30 篇),共 計56 份記錄資料之分析。 結果:經內容分析後發現老人研究過程中主要的困境包括:1. 低參與率:因固定的生活模式、輪 住的問題、家人的影響、對外界的防禦心、與消極的健康維護態度等,影響研究的參與意 願;2. 低資料可信度:因記憶問題、對外界的不信任、想符合社會期望、與聽從醫師的傾向, 故影響所提供資訊之正確性;3. 研究人員與老人的隔閡:老人族群與研究人員因為語言與 生活文化上的差異,而產生隔閡。 結論:由於老人人口的急遽增加,未來研究族群勢必常見以老人為主;本文描述老人研究的困境, 藉此研究經驗的分享,期望能提升護理人員對老人研究困境的了解與因應,並促進老人族 群護理研究之發展。


Background: The older adult population in Taiwan is increasing. Although life expectation was increased, most of older adults have chronic diseases, followed by a growing economic burden and care issues. To solve this situation, we need more research to explore, assess, and intervene for this population. However, little is known about the challenges pertaining to recruitment and retention of older adults in research studies. Aim: Explore the challenges pertaining to recruitment and retention of older adults in research studies. Method: A qualitative descriptive study was used. Throughout the research process from December 2008 to November 2011, the research staff recorded challenges as they arose and wrote memos regarding recruitment issues and possible reasons for the issues. Group discussions were conducted once every two weeks, and written records of the discussions were kept. The 26 written memos and 30 meeting records were reviewed, and the content was analyzed. Results: The challenges pertaining to recruitment and retention of older adults in research studies included response rate, information credibility, and the gap between researchers and the older adults. Moreover, the related factors such as living background and living arrangement, family influence, memory issues, mistrust of outside world, high social desirability, doctor oriented, and language and culture gap were also found. Conclusions: For future older adult research, the authors suggest using a specific research instrument, making a more flexible research process, and providing a variety of recruitment strategies.

