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篇名 多方觀點看第1 型糖尿病個案之轉換期經驗
卷期 28:2=98
並列篇名 Multiple Perspectives of Transitional Experiences among Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
作者 張綺紋余幸宜姜月桃陳紀雯羅福松李雅庭李鈺玢
頁次 219-228
關鍵字 第I 型糖尿病轉換期經驗多元觀點type 1 diabetestransition phaseexperiencemultiple perspectives
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/102673012017062802003


第1 型糖尿病好發於兒童及青少年,在青少年至青年的轉換階段,疾病控制有惡化之趨勢。 青少年晚期至成年早期面臨了生涯發展的多元轉換,是人生壓力最大的時期之一,壓力與個人面 對改變的能力,將影響疾病控制的結果。國內目前相關於第1 型糖尿病青少年至青年期轉換期經 驗的研究仍相對缺乏,因此,本文透過文獻查證,針對第1 型糖尿病青少年與青年在轉換期之衝 擊及個案、父母與醫療人員在轉換期的感受與經驗進行統整,期望能作為提升臨床照護轉換期個 案之參考,並能做為未來發展介入性策略之基礎,以增進病患疾病控制結果。


Type1 diabetes occurs mostly in children and adolescents. The control of disease has been getting worse during the transition phase of adolescents to youths. The patients face a variety of career development during the late adolescent to young adulthood. The pressure will impact the outcome of disease control through stress and personal inability to face the challenge. In Taiwan, there is a paucity of research on transitional experiences among adolescents to youths with type 1 diabetes. Through the literature review, this article summarizes the impacts of type 1 diabetes in adolescents and young adults during the transition phase and describes the transitional experiences of patients, their parents, and medical staff. The finding can contribute as a reference of promoting the transitional care and lay the foundation for future interventions to improve the outcome of disease control among the patients with type 1 diabetes.

