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篇名 提昇外傷科病人出院前傷口自我照護正確率
卷期 28:2=98
並列篇名 Promoting Accuracy on Self-care for Wound of Trauma Patients before Discharge
作者 莊孟昀陳麗月
頁次 229-241
關鍵字 外傷病人傷口自我照護trauma patientwoundself-care
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/102673012017062802004


病人具備正確的傷口自我照護認知及技能,能降低相關合併症,常見臨床護理作業忙碌,加 上病人及環境的各種變數,易使護理人員執行傷口護理衛教不完整。本專案目的為提昇外傷科病 人出院前傷口自我照護之正確率,現況發現病人出院前傷口自我照護正確率低,主要是提供病人 的衛教資料內容不符合需求、無病人傷口自我照護指導標準流程及缺乏監控機制。藉由傷口照護 手冊結構式的內容,提昇護理人員執行護理指導的完整性,標準化傷口護理指導標準流程、傷口 護理指導交班查檢表的運用,使病人能循序漸進的學習傷口照護知識及技能,並訂立評值辦法。 透過改善讓病人出院前傷口自我照護之正確率由改善前73.8% 提昇至92.7%。


Patients having correct knowledge and ability of self-care for wound can reduce the risk complications. However, nursing education for wound care is incomplete due to work load and variation of patients and environment. There are two reasons that patients have low accuracy on ability of self-care for wound. First, patients are not able to accept the guidance in the content of health education. Second, there is no standard process of nursing education and a monitoring system. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to promote accuracy on self-care for wound of trauma patients before discharge. Patients are able to learn knowledge and skills of self-care step by step by improving nursing education completely. Furthermore, using textured manual and check list to standardize the process of nursing education facilitate patients’ ability of self-care. Lastly, the accuracy of self-care for wound of patients improved from 73.8% to 92.7% after implementing this project.

