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篇名 一位跳樓自殺導致腰椎損傷之憂鬱症患者住院護理經驗
卷期 28:2=98
並列篇名 An Admission Nursing Experience of a Suicidal Patient with Lumbar Injury
作者 曾珊螢伍碧琦
頁次 291-302
關鍵字 自殺企圖憂鬱症腰椎損傷的復健無效性因應能力suicide attemptdepressionlumbar injury rehabilitationineffective coping
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/102673012017062802009


本文敘述一位31 歲女性憂鬱症患者,因未婚懷孕造成與公婆的緊張關係,婚後又常因子女教 養問題與先生產生口角,企圖自殺不成導致腰椎損傷與雙下肢癱瘓。筆者自2013 年7 月15 日至 8 月16 日,護理期間以身體評估、觀察、直接護理、會談與病歷查閱,依照生理、心理、社會、 靈性等面向進行資料收集,確認個案有身體活動功能障礙、無效性因應能力與無望感等健康問題。 運用Watson 關懷理論為照護指引,透過子女親情喚起其生存希望,鼓勵案夫正向的支持與陪伴協 助其損傷後的復健治療,並教導個案情緒管理及壓力宣洩的方法,教導案夫識別自殺意念的行為, 預防其再次自我傷害。藉此經驗分享照護憂鬱症自殺的腰椎損傷患者,除滿足其生理需求,維持 其身體的最大功能,也要重視其情緒轉換,陪伴其渡過漫長復健與適應歷程。


This article describes the nursing experience of a 31-year-old female who suffers from depression. The patient was unmarried while pregnant, which caused strained relations with her future in-laws. After marriage, communication issues and disagreements with her husband about parenting created suicidal tendencies. A subsequent failed suicide attempt resulted in severe lumbar injury and paralysis of the lower limbs. Information was collected via physical examination, observation, direct nursing, interview communication, and chart review from July 15, 2013 to August 16, 2013. Physical, psychological, social, and spiritual domains for complete evaluation was used. Problems identified included impaired physical mobility, ineffective coping and feelings of hopelessness. Under the Watson Caring Theory guidelines, the patient’s family was encouraged to support the patient and assist in rehabilitation and injury treatment. The patient was taught to utilize stress management and the husband was taught to identify patterns of behavior in the hope of preventing future self-injury. Sharing experiences with suicidal and depression patients, in addition to meeting their physical needs and maintain maximum body function, alleviates future suicide attempts. Attention must also be paid to their emotional state and the lengthy rehabilitation and adaptation process.

