
社會科學論叢 EconLit

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篇名 五四時期李達的馬克思主義思想
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Li Da’s Thoughts of Marxism during the May Fourth Movement
作者 施純純
頁次 025-058
關鍵字 李達馬克思主義陳獨秀國家Li DaMarxismChen DuxiucapitalismstateEconLit
出刊日期 201704




This essay focuses on an interpretation of Marxism from a Chinese intellectual – La Da. Li had believed Marxism during the May Fourth movement. This essay points out how he explained Marxism and answered problems in Modern China through Marxism. Furthermore, this essay compares the interpretation of Marxism of Li Da with another Chinese intellectual – Chen Duxiu. These two intellectuals had their own political positions, and also had different understanding in Marxism. The differences between Li and Chen show the complexity and multiplicity of “Marxism” in China.
