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篇名 特殊族群自我成長團體過程與結果研究
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 Special Group— counseling process and results
作者 邱珍宛
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 身障生團體諮商團體過程自我成長students with physical disabilitiesgroup counselinggroup processgrowthTSCI
出刊日期 200512


由於許多的特殊族群可以因爲團體諮商而獲益,因此本硏究乃針對視障與聽障大學生所做 的七次團體諮商,就其團體過程、重要事件、與團體結果做探討焦點,發現團體的運作對於身 障生族群有相當正向的結果,探索的主題包括對於自我的認識、障礙的接受度、問題的解決與 處理、人際關係的互動等;團員在團體效果上著墨最多的是對於自己的了解、接受、與期許, 也在互相支持的氛圍中得力、願意採取行動,而整個團體經驗對他們而言是很正向的、可以繼 續嚐試的,肯定了團體在不同成員的參與與貢獻中成長,自己也蒙受其利,從他人身上所學習 到的、也可以作爲自我觀照,體會到人與人之間是可以互相依賴與扶持的,不需要羞赧或害怕。


Due to a lot of people with disabilities can benefit from group work, this study attempts to provide a group counseling program for some college students with vision or hearing disability and investigate its practical process and effects. The findings show that the group program is promising reflecting in some respects: self-exploration and acceptance, problem management and mutual learning, and action-taking and self-determination. The design of the program stresses on cognitive-retrospective aspect, a more experiential-oriented design can be a better supplement for further studies.

