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篇名 社會資本會降低離島居民的壓力嗎?一休間參與的調節作用
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 Will Social Capital Reduce The Kinmen Residents5 Pressure?: Leisure Participation as A Buffer
作者 杜佩蘭
頁次 023-046
關鍵字 藝文活動運動活動戶外活動室内活動金門Social CapitalLeisure ParticipationStressKinmen
出刊日期 201709


近幾年來,政府及研究者對社會資本的領域相當重視,尤其是專精於心 理、文化和休閒的研究者。但社會資本、休閒及壓力間的關係仍需要嚴謹的 概念和實證的分析,因此,本研究目的為探究金門居民其所擁有的社會資本 對壓力的影響,以及居民們休閒參與的程度在社會資本及壓力間的調節效 果。以金門縣居民有效問卷452份,採信度分析、驗證性因素分析及迴歸分 析等來檢測量表及驗證假設。研究結果為(1)社會資本(安全信任與朋友 連結)對壓力有顯著的負向效果;(2 )休閒參與(運動活動)在社會資本(安 全信任、生命價值)與壓力間具調節效果;(3 )休閒參與(室内活動)在社 會資本(社會主動、生命價值)與壓力間扮演著調節效果的角色。本研究認 為金門居民的休閒參與大多投入於看電視、電腦及上網,主政當局應可政策 上的鼓勵及獎勵居民從事其他的休閒活動,對金門民眾的身心健康當可更具 有正面影響。最後研究者依據研究發現提出管理實務及學術研究方面建議。


In recent years, social capital has attracted a great deal of attention from both government agencies and scholars, especially for researchers who are specialized in the field of psychology, culture and leisure, but the interaction between them still remain unclear, it relies heavily on rigorous concepts and data analysis. Therefore, the goal of this study is to figure out how social capital affects pressure in the Kinmen region, and the level of adjustable rate after the participation in leisure activities. The data were collected from residents of Kinmen County and total 452 residents completed valid questionnaires. Cronbach5s a, confirmatory factor analysis and regression analysis were employed to examine hypotheses. Results: (1) Social capital (trust and safety; friends connections) had significant negative effect on stress; (2) leisure participation (sport events) had a moderating on the relationship between social capital (trust and safety; value of life) and stress and (3) leisure participation (indoor activities) had a moderating effect on the relationship between social capital (social proactivity; value of life) and stress. Our study revealed that residents in Kinmen spent most of their leisure hours on watching television, using computer and browsing the Internet. It will create more positive impacts on both physically and mentally conditions, if only the administration authority could make new policies and benefits to encourage their people to enjoy other fun activities. In the final part of this study, we offer our advice on actual management practice and academic discussion.
