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篇名 破繭而出一青少年時期經歷父母離異之大學生生活歷程的優勢經驗
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Experiencing Parental Divorce during Adolescence Period ——From a Strength Perspective
作者 陳若喬鄭麗珍
頁次 035-098
關鍵字 單親家庭離婚青少年優勢觀點保護因素single familydivorceadolescentstrength perspectiveprotective factorTSSCI
出刊日期 200306


隨著近年來離婚率的升高,離婚的單親家庭已逐漸取代喪偶的家 庭成爲主要的單親家庭形式。由於過去不少量化的調查研究顯示,生 活於離婚單親家庭的青少年在統計的機率上明顯的比雙親家庭子女容 易出現較多的生活適應問題、偏差行爲、低學業成就,青少年時期經 歷父母離異歷程的子女之未來發展因此令人擔憂。然而,仍有一群 「少數」的例外者,並未如量化研究中的統計機率所預期出現較多的 生活適應問題,反而順利的進入社會主流價値所讚許的大學生涯。本 研冗的目的就是立基於優勢觀點(strength perspective)來探討這些青 少年時期經歷父母離異歷程的大學生之成長經驗,找出緩衝或支持他 們因應父母離婚事件壓力的保護性因素,以期提供更有效的社會工作 實觀點來協助需要協助的單親青少年。本研究採用立意抽樣法,透過 人際網絡、大學BBS站、滾雪球等方式找到十位在青少年時期經歷父 母離異經驗的「大學生」接受訪問,其中母子組合的單親家庭有四 位,母女組合的有三位和父女組合也是三位。本研冗的結果顯示,受 訪者在青少年時期經歷父母離婚事件,心理雖然失望、不捨,但多半 能夠以客觀的態度來看待父母的決定;受訪者在重建的新親子關係 中,不必然受到親子性別組合不同所影響,反而是離婚前的親子關係 之品質、離婚時監護安排符合期待與否、以及離婚後的調適有關;受 訪者的内在優勢性格特質、家庭内的親子關係品質、與非監護家長關 係互動、家庭外的支持資源等因素,都能保護與協助青少年度過父母 離婚的歷程與單親家庭的生活。最後,本研究分別對單親家庭政策、 與單親的實務工作、離婚父母三方面提出建議。


As the divorce rate increased at an enormous speed, divorced families with children have outnumbered widowed families as a major single parent family group. Past research consistently indicated that youths from divorced families suffered more social adjustment difficulties and low school achievements than their counterpartners in two parent families. However, in the same studies, still, a few youths from single parent families grew up with an exceptional pattern of better adjustment and high achievement, when compared to the statistically majority. They in effect beat the odds of being failures in a statistical sense. Using a strength perspective, this study intends to explore the protective factors that buffered and supported the youths who once experienced family disruption through parental divorce during adolescence and still achieved to go to college without interruption. The sampling method was purposively drawn through personal relationships, college network-stations, and snowball chains. As a total, ten participants gave consent to share qualitatively their experiencing parental divorce in their adolescent period. Among them, four males came from families headed by females, three females from female-headed families and the other three females from male-headed families. Results indicated that youths could understand reasonably parental tough decision about divorcing, if not too disappointed and fearful. Moreover, the participants pointed to the quality of previous relationship between parents and children, a custody arrangement with expectation, and a good post-adjustment between parent and children in single parenthood as key factors for rebuilding new relationships in a single parent family. Lastly, the inner personality traits, the quality of parental relationship, positive support from non-custodial parent, and the support from relationships outside of the families were mentioned as major protective factors to buffer and help them from the stressful event of parent divorce. In conclusion, policy implications, strength perspective used in guidance, and suggestions for divorced parents were included.
