
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 跨國移工權利分析—歐盟經驗
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Rights of Transnational Migrant Workers -The EU Experience
作者 盧倩儀
頁次 125-158
關鍵字 跨國移工歐盟人員自由流動歐洲整合移工社會權移工政治權非歐盟公民transnational migrant workersthe European Unionfree movement of personsEuropean integrationmigrantssocial rightsmigrants’ political rightsthird country nationalsTSSCI
出刊日期 200412


跨國移工權利在台灣是一個我們越來越需要去正視的問題。本文 以跨國移工權利發展方面經驗最爲豐富的歐盟爲分析對象,檢視跨國 移工在歐盟内部所享之政治以及社會權,並且對歐盟高度發展的會員 國間之跨國移工權利提出解釋。歐盟内部跨國移工所享權利之分水嶺 爲「歐盟公民」身份之具備與否。首先,在具有「歐盟公民」身份之 移工部份,跨國移工之權利是隨著歐洲整合的進程在向前移動。社會 權部份,雖然「社會救助」及「健康保險」方面歐盟内部跨國的實質 整合仍受到層層限制,但歐盟正持續不斷在朝更深入的整合努力。而 「社會安全」之整合,則已使得歐盟在移工權利之發展上居於世界領 導地位。政治權方面,對於具有歐盟公民身份之跨國移工而言,「歐 盟公民」之建立使得移工在地主國投票、參選的權利獲得了相當程度 的保障。至於來自非歐盟會員國之移工權利是近來歐盟移工權利發展 中,最値得玩味的一個部份。長久以來,「非歐盟公民」一直不受 「人員自由流動」之保障。在「歐盟公民」建立後,非歐盟公民與歐 盟公民間的差距更爲顯著。然而正由於此一強烈對比,迫使歐盟會員 國必須正視這個問題,進而改變對待非歐盟公民的方式。唯本文分析 顯示,目前「非歐盟公民」權利的擴張基本上仍僅限於社會權部份; 非歐盟公民在歐盟所享之政治權,在近期内則並無顯著改善的跡象。


As a country that has been importing foreign workers for 14 years, Taiwan needs to seriously examine the way foreign workers have been treated in our society. This article examines how rights of transnational migrants have been developed in the EU and provides explanations for the high level of migrant rights-especially with respect to migrants from other EU member states-achieved in this area. Migrant rights and the process of regional integration moved forward side by side in Europe. With respect to social rights, whereas substantial integration in “social assistance” and “health insurance” are still limited, the EU has done remarkably in integrating “social security’’ schemes of its Member States. With regard to political rights, the creation of “Union citizenship” has warranted migrants’ right to vote and to participate in elections to a certain degree. The most interesting developments, however, pertain to the expansion of the rights of “third country nationals” . For decades, third country nationals were treated as outsiders in European societies. The creation of Union citizenship further widened the differences between the insiders and the outsiders Alarmed by such a development, the Member State governments finally agreed to change the EU-level policies towards third country nationals. As this article will demonstrate, however, significant improvements in the treatment of third country nationals are confined to social rights. So far as political rights are concerned, third country nationals continue to be treated largely as outsiders.
