
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 失業家庭的經濟生活分析 一以台灣兩次失業潮爲例
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Economic Status of Unemployed Households: A Comparison between the Periods of 1982-1986 and 1996-2002.
作者 王永慈
頁次 159-192
關鍵字 失業經濟安全貧窮unemploymenteconomic securitypovertyTSSCI
出刊日期 200412


本研究乃分析台灣兩次失業潮(第一次是1982至1986,第二次 是1996迄今)對於家庭經濟面的影響,研究問題包括:(一)失業 家庭在全國家庭的分佈狀況如何?(二)失業家庭的貧窮現象如何? (三)失業家庭所掌握的各類經濟資源如何?儲蓄狀況如何?(四) 失業家庭的消費狀況如何?(五)影響失業家庭陷於貧窮的因素如 何?主要發現如下:(一)以結構性失業爲主的第二次失業潮,無論 從失業家庭或户長失業家庭所佔全國家庭百分比來看都第一次失業潮 比較嚴重。且第二次失業潮影響最大的是最貧窮的20%家庭。(二) 第二次失業潮的貧窮現象則有顯著的不同,失業家庭與户長失業家庭 的貧窮率皆升高,尤以後者更明顯。(三)第二次失業潮對於家户各 類所得總額也造成負面衝擊。同時儲蓄能力也大幅降低。(四)在 2001-2002年,户長失業家庭處於收支無法平衡的狀況,且在運輸交 通及通訊、教育及休閒娛樂兩方面的消費較低。此外,失業的貧窮家 庭其消費狀況也有顯著的差異。(五)在影響失業家庭陷於貧窮的因 素方面:兩次失業潮相同的因素包括:家中兒童人數、家中老人人 數、家中就業人數、家中失業人數、市場收入、來自家庭來源的所 得。此外,第二次失業潮中,特別的影響變項有:家庭人數愈多,陷 入貧窮的機會愈大;政府移轉所得愈多,避免陷入貧窮的機會愈大; 女性經濟户長家庭陷入貧窮的機會愈大。最後,本文提出相關的政策 討論與建議。


This study investigates the economic status of unemployed households during the periods of 1982-1986 and 1996-2002. Major findings are as follows: (1) The percentage of unemployed households has increased during 1996-2002. (2) The poverty rates of unemployed households have gone up significantly during recent years. (3) Total family income and savings of unemployed households have decreased after 1996. (4) The consumption patterns and levels of poor households with unemployed workers are quite different from their counterparts. (5) The factors affecting households with the unemployed trapped into poverty include: number of children, number of elderly, number of the employed, number of the unemployed, the amount of market income as well as the amount of income from family members. In addition, it is more likely for households with larger size as well as female-headed households to be poor in recent years. Government transfers also play important roles in reducing poverty for the unemployed during 2001-2002. Finally, policy implications will be discussed.
