
中華體育 TSSCI

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篇名 海洋運動負責任環境行為與策略探討
卷期 31:3
並列篇名 An investigation on the strategies to enhance environment-responsible behaviors of the marine sports
作者 許振明陳建文廖尹華
頁次 237-248
關鍵字 貝爾格勒憲章 環境保護永續發展Belgrade Charterenvironmental protectionsustainable developmentTSSCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.3966/102473002017093103006


臺灣四面環海且地處亞熱帶,豐厚海蝕地形、海底景觀及海域遊憩環境資源,海洋運動發展深 具潛能,隨著政策推動及相關法令鬆綁,民眾從事海洋運動更蔚為風潮,惟環伺生態環境由於海洋 運動普遍發展,區域開發與利用帶來海岸及海域等實質環境威脅。貝爾格勒憲章揭示環境教育目標 在培養對環境負責公民,能對環境問題具覺知與敏感性、基本知識及關切的情感,並能主動參與環 境改進與保護,具備辨認和解決環境問題的能力,進而主動參與各種解決環境問題。爰此,本文以 文獻分析探討瞭解海洋運動負責任環境行為與策略,並歸納為生態管理、經濟行為、說服行動、政 治行動、法律行動與教育行動等6 類負責任環境行為。據以建議政府及民間團體等利害關係人在開 創發展海洋運動價值與觀念,利用海洋環境資源推展海洋運動發時,宜應樹立新環境典範及負責任 環境行為,惟影響負責任環境行為變數眾多,有關單位應可透過規劃課程落實教育行動、研修法令 嚴密法律行動、組織人力善盡生態管理、典範行銷宣導經濟行為、匯納聲浪善用說服行動及動員組 織展現政治行動等策略,賡續海洋運動發展,永續海洋運動環境。


Taiwan island has great potential advantages for the development of marine sports in that it locates in the subtropical Pacific Rim and has rich marine abrasion landform, undersea landscapes, and environmental resources for marine sports. Marine sports have been an unmistakable trend as the promotions of related policies 8 and the relaxation of concerning regulations. However, as we take a closer look at the influences of the popularization of the marine sports and leisure activities, we find that the coastal and marine exploitation imposes threats on the environments. It also 11 causes negative impact on the whole society, culture and local economics. As stated in the Belgrade Charter " The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of, and concerned about, the environment and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations, and commitment to work individually and collectively toward solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones". In this thesis, we analyzed concerning 17 literatures to help exploring the environment-responsible behaviors and strategies of marine sports, including six aspects such as: ecological management, economical behaviors, lobbying actions, political means, doings at law, and educational measures. Therefore, the stakeholders of not only the government but also the non-governmental organizations should set an new example to the people by treating the environments responsibly when they exploit the marine resources to promote marine sports. We conclude that the concerning authorities can sustain the development of marine sports and the corresponding environments by adopting the following strategies to enhance environment-responsible behaviors, such as carrying out educational actions with comprehensive curriculum plans, making stricter laws, organizing human resources to make better ecological management, and canvassing or mobilizing to show political actions.
