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篇名 涵納差異與攜手前行:同志友善與性別敏感諮商教育之反思與在地實踐
卷期 39:1
並列篇名 Include Differences and Forge Ahead: Reflections and Local Practices in Gender-Sensitive and LGBT-friendly Counseling Education and Training in Taiwan
作者 姜兆眉
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 同志友善諮商教育訓練婚姻平權交織觀點台灣LGBT-friendlycounseling education and trainingsame-sex marriageintersectionalityTaiwanTSCI
出刊日期 201705


台灣於2004 年通過性別平等教育法之立法,成為第一個各級學校依法實施性別平等教育的亞洲 國家。近年婚姻平權議題討論熱烈,助人專業領域對於婚姻平權與民法修法,各方亦持有不同觀點 與意見。諮商專業倫理守則規範,諮商專業人員需身負專業與社會責任,因此諮商教育與訓練更需 扣緊社會脈動,方能裝備諮商專業人員之多元文化知能(Multicultural competencies)。此文書寫之際, 正逢台灣婚姻平權法案第二次排案審查並送交朝野協商,接續大法官釋憲宣布民法第4 編親屬第2 章規定屬違憲,同性婚姻合法性終被認可。上述社會脈動顯見諮商教育訓練著重性別與同志議題已 刻不容緩。本文首先回顧北美與台灣諮商學界著重多元性別與同志議題之相關研究,是如何以教育 訓練模式、教育學觀點、以及教學策略各點切入論述;接續分析台灣當前諮商系所課程架構,如何 納入同志友善與性別敏感議題。本文欲回顧與統整台灣諮商學界在當前對性別與同志議題之回應, 以及落實同志友善與性別敏感之諮商訓練時所呈現之在地風貌。筆者亦於文末分享諮商系所課程教 學融入性別與同志議題之經驗,與修課學生們對於筆者此教學策略之想法與回饋。藉由呈現師生雙 方觀點,反思諮商教育訓練歷程,性別與同志議題課室討論與思辨的必然張力,以及師生雙方學習 並涵納差異,在持續進行的對話,共構性平與同志議題之多重觀點。


2004 witnessed the passage of Gender Equity Education Act in Taiwan, making it the first Asian country to mandate schools at each level to implement gender equity education. Nowadays, there has been much debated discussion on same-sex marriage in a wide range of realms, including helping professions in which different sides of the professionals hold various perspectives on marriage equality and amendment of the Civil Code. In the field of counseling, counselors should observe the code of ethics and are expected to take professional and social responsibilities. Accordingly, counselor educators should provide more pragmatic education and training to respond to the societal changes so that counseling trainees can be better equipped with multicultural competencies and awareness of social justice. This paper was written in the period of time when Taiwanese parliament was debating whether to legalize same-sex marriage and soon afterwards the constitutional court made a statement that the provisions of Chapter 2 on Marriage of Part IV on Family of the Civil Codes were in violation of the people’s right to equality as guaranteed by Article 7 of the Constitution. In other words, same-sex marriage should be legalized in Taiwan. The social changes per se demonstrate the importance and urgency of addressing gender and LGBT issues in counseling education and training. This paper started with a critical review of studies on counseling training models, pedagogical approaches, and instructional strategies. Afterwards, an analysis of how to incorporate gender and LGBT issues into current curriculum of counseling department in Taiwan were discussed. Finally, the author presented a personal experience of a teaching approach to integrating gender and LGBT issues into courses and the feedback from the counseling trainees. Furthermore, with an aid of exchanging teacher’s and students’ perspectives, the reflection on the process of counseling education and training indicated that further discussion on gender and LGBT issues in a manner of critical thinking in classroom is of great importance and needs to continue so that multiple and various perspectives on this issue can be co-constructed.
