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篇名 《黃侃日記》中季剛先生的生活方式 與健康狀況的關聯性
卷期 24
並列篇名 Based on "Huang Kan Diary", a case study of the relationship between Mr. Ji Gang 's life style and his health
作者 林葉連
頁次 001-042
關鍵字 黃侃黃季剛章太炎章炳麟Wang Chuang-ShanAnalects of Confuciussimilar naturepostnate human natureevil
出刊日期 201706


1907年,黃季剛先生22歲,拜太炎先生為師,太炎曰:q亘言學問進 益之速,如日行千里,今汝殆一日萬里也。」季剛嘗自言:「余觀書之捷, 不讓先師劉君。平生手加點識書,如《文選》蓋已十過,《漢書》亦三過。 注疏圏識,丹黃爛然。《新唐書》先讀,後以朱點,復以墨點,亦是三過。《說 文》、《爾雅》、《廣韻》三書,殆不能計徧數。」買書、讀書幾乎占了季剛先 生生命的絕大部分。無論義理、辭章、考據等各方面都有極高的成就,鑽研 至精,學識淵博,堪稱廿世紀最偉大的國學大師之一。 可惜天不假年,季剛先生在知天命之年竟然驟然隕落,震驚學界。有關 季剛先生的壽命,太炎先生所送的生日賀聯:「韋編三絕今知命,黃絹初裁 好著書」,是章、黃傳人共同知曉的故事,但其實應該別有他故,使得季剛 先生無法享盡天年。茲從《黃侃日記》中詳加觀察和探究,認為多種問題交 錯紛陳,以致季剛先生英年早逝,本篇著眼的九個面向為:一、知名教授終 日忙。二、久坐的生活習慣。三、飲酒抽煙無節制。四、睡眠品質不理想。 五、思緒敏銳易憤悶。六、家國人事皆憂勞。七、運動養生未落實。八、祭 祀卜命不輕忽。九、太炎師賀禮一恩何其重,痛莫如深。


There is academic value in various respects for Chuan Shan's interpretation of "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" in "The Analects of Confucius Yang goods". In this research, such interpretation was used as the main material for the analysis of Chuan Shan's understanding toward the concept of "postnate human nature" in the consideration of relevant humanity ideology of his philosophy, which extended the meanings of Confucius's idea on "human nature is similar, practice made them apart" and the multi-aspect exploration on why Mengzi upheld "goodness of human nature" while Confucius propose "similar nature" only. This research also studied the implication and connection between the concept of "fate", "destiny", "truth", "atmosphere", "nature", and "learning" in Chuan Shan's humanity ideology of philosophy. Especially, on the basis of Chuan Shan's perspective on "human goodness by nature", the reason why there is "evil" shown in human nature was analyzed and concluded into two types of causes: innate aspect and postnate aspect. Furthermore, the extension on the implication of the concept of "quality" in Chuang Shan's words of "postnate human nature". At last, the key points and academic value of such interpretation by Chuang Shan were concluded.
