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篇名 當代埃及女性政治參與存在的問題及原因思考
卷期 26
並列篇名 Problems within the Contemporary Egyptian Women’s Political Participation and its Causes
作者 廖靜
頁次 023-042
關鍵字 埃及女性政治參與人民議會Egyptian womenPolitical ParticipationParliament
出刊日期 201706


女性政治參與被認為是國家政治發展和民主和諧的重要實踐標誌,而女性以 候選人或參選人的身份參與國家最高立法機構——人民議會的表現則是女性政 治參與程度高低的重要標誌。伊斯蘭大國埃及是中東國家中最早從法律上賦予女 性選舉權和被選舉權,讓女性進入國家最高立法機構人民議會的國家之一。但該 國女性參政情況並不理想,橫向比較近三年來女性在議會中所占席位,埃及在阿 拉伯各國中排名第12,在世界排名100名之後。本文試圖說明自埃及建立共和 國至今(1952年-2015年底),女性參與埃及最重要立法機構人民議會時存在的 女性代表比例低、參政具有階級性和女性在議會中舉步維艱的三個問題,深入分 析女性政治參與時面臨的宗教因素桎梏、父權傳統摯肘、多重社會因素制約、經 濟因素阻礙和政治因素羈絆五大困境,並提出解決問題的對策思考,即從充分發 揮公共媒體的政治導向作用、從法律上強化女性參與選舉的權利和義務、充分保 障人民議會中女性配額制的持續實施和充分發揮女性非政府組織的積極作用四 個方面著手。


Women’s political participation is always considered to be the most important symbol of a nation’s political development and democratic harmony, while women votes in parliament elections as well as female representatives in People’s Assembly are regarded as vital evaluation standards on judging the performance of women’s political participation. Egypt, being a leading nation in the Arab world, is one of the first Middle East nations to allow all women to both vote and run for parliament, while grant them the right to be elected as the members of the parliament. However, it is not desirable to see Egyptian women’s participation in politics, because comparing with other nations in the field of women’s representation in the parliament, Egypt was ranked 12th among Arab nations and went beyond the top 100 countries in the world. This paper presents the three problems of Egyptian women’s participation in the parliament, which are low proportion of women members, class consciousness of political participation and poor performance of women members. Also, this paper intends to analyze all the negative factors that prevent women from positive performance in the political actions, which represents in the fields of Islamic religion, traditional culture, multiple social restrains, economic difficulties and political complexity, meanwhile, four proposed solutions was given to solve these problems at the end of the paper, which are running public media to adhere to a right political direction, reinforcing the electoral obligation of women by law, using quota’s to increase women’s political representation in the parliament, and producing effect in non-governmental organizations.
