
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 大學生對個資之資訊需求與尋求分析
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 College Students’ Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviors regarding Personal Information
作者 劉郁林麗娟
頁次 101-133
關鍵字 個人資料個人資料保護法個人資料隱私保護資訊需求資訊尋求行為Personal InformationPersonal Data Protection ActSecurity of Personal InformationInformation NeedInformation Seeking BehaviorTSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2017.15(2).101


本研究目的在於探討大學生對於個人資訊(個資)之認知,與大學生對個資資訊需求 與尋求之分析。研究藉由相關文獻基礎,分析個資相關議題,並針對大學生個資資訊之取 用與需求情境設計問題,以徵求學生反應。本研究以北部某大學之大學生為研究對象,共 計回收252份有效問卷。問卷結果反映學生對個資相關概念之需求時機通常在個資外洩疑 慮產生之補救(M = 4.29),採取方式以上網搜尋居多(M = 4.24),個資資訊取用的原則, 也反映對內容易理解的需求(M = 4.04),而一般學生對於政府或非政府機構的個資保護之 信任感低(多數題項M < 3.0)。未來應增進教育與政府單位對大學生對於個資相關概念與知 識之重視,協助改善個人個資資訊行為,降低因個資認識不清而產生之資訊之不確定感。


This study analyzed college students’ reactions toward the issues of personal information. Students’ needs and seeking behaviors for personal information were assessed. Relevant literature was reviewed for framing the research questions and designing the questionnaire items for survey. Survey subjects were students from an university at northern Taiwan. A set of questionnaire items were used to collect research data. Statistical analysis from 252 valid data reveals some items were highly rated: Students reflected highly for their need of knowledge under the security threat of personal information (M = 4.29). They reacted strongly on acquiring knowledge and resources through the Internet (M = 4.24). They preferred the use of resources clear and easy to be understood (M = 4.04). However, most students had low level faith toward either government or non-governmental organizations in securing their personal information (M < 3.0 for most items). More effort among education and government should be emphasized in the future to improve personal use and reduce uncertainty in the use of personal information.
