
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 和素及其譯作《七本頭》 (Ci Ben Deo)研究
卷期 58
並列篇名 A Study on Hesu and his Collection of Translations Ci Ben Deo
作者 黃麗君
頁次 091-150
關鍵字 和素七本頭康熙皇帝內務府包衣滿文翻譯家HesuCi Ben DeoKangxi EmperorBooi bondservant of the Imperial Household DepartmentManchu translatorTHCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6243/BHR.201712_(58).0003


和素是清代著名的滿、漢文翻譯家,存世的作品種類多元。本文據其 代表譯作《七本頭》,比對傳記、自序與相關檔案,擬先考訂和素的生平細 節, 分析其翻譯經驗與理念如何受到康熙皇帝與父親阿什坦兩方面的影 響,藉以呈現清初滿、漢文化的交融匯通之處,以及皇權和內務府包衣之 間的互動情況。另外,透過《七本頭》文本與出版形式的比較研究,亦欲 闡明和素的重要性不僅於翻譯文名的廣泛流傳,其譯作在道德教化層面、 語言表述與知識傳遞的多重意義, 在清代的旗人社會產生深遠的實際影 響。


Hesu is a renowned translator from the Qing dynasty who translated between the Manchu and Chinese languages, and whose extant translations are related to a variety of subjects. Based on Ci Ben Deo (a collection of his translations), his biography, and relevant archives, this article investigates the details of his life, and how his translations were influenced by his father and the Kangxi Emperor, in an attempt to observe the dynamics occurring between the Manchu and the Han Chinese cultures in the early-Qing era, and the interaction between imperial power and Booi bondservants within the Imperial Household Department. In addition, the comparative analysis of different versions of Ci Ben Deo and its content indicates that Hesu is a significant figure not only because of his famous and widely circulated translations, but also due to the fact that his translations had far-reaching influence over the eight-banner society regarding moral education, language transfer and knowledge transmission in the Qing dynasty.
