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篇名 TRMM、CMORPH、PERSIANN 三組衛星資料 對臺灣降雨日變化特色的表現能力評估
卷期 45:2
並列篇名 Evaluation on the Performance of TRMM, CMORPH, and PERSIANN in Depicting the Diurnal Precipitation Variation in Taiwan
作者 陳思穎黃婉如
頁次 167-192
關鍵字 日變化降雨衛星觀測Diurnal variationPrecipitationSatellite observation
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/025400022017064502004


本研究檢驗TRMM、CMORPH及PERSIANN三組衛星觀測降雨資料對於臺灣降雨日變化特色的 表現能力。檢驗過程從降雨日平均值(daily mean)及日變化量(dmmal variation)兩方面進行探討。在降雨 曰平均值方面,本研究發現雖然三組衛星產品皆有低估實際降雨量的缺點,但三者皆能大致掌握到「曰 平均降雨最大值區域,隨季節變化有逆時針移動」之特性,且三者之中以TRMM的表現最好。在降雨 曰變化量方面,本研究發現TRMM亦較CMORPH及PERSIANN更能掌握臺灣春、夏、秋三季降雨之 曰變化時、空分佈,能呈現最大降雨發生時間及區域為午後山區。但在冬季降雨日變化量方面,三組衛 星產品則皆無法良好地表現出「臺灣東邊夜間降雨,西邊清晨降雨」的區域差異特色。最後,本研究亦 針對春、夏、秋三季,探討TRMM對於臺灣日變化降雨的掌握度比COMRPH及PERSIANN兩組衛星 資料好的可能原因。結果發現,三組衛星資料對臺灣地區降雨差異的表現,主要來自於衛星資料對陸面 降雨、地形降雨的表現能力差異。相較之下,三組衛星資料對臺灣臨近海面移動系統的降雨的表現差異 則較小。


This study evaluates the performance of TRMM, CMORPH, and PERSIANN precipitation productions in representing the characteristics of diurnal precipitation (including daily mean and diurnal variation) in Taiwan during four different seasons: spring (March to May), summer (June to August), autumn (September to November) and winter (December to next February). Results show that TRMM is the best among the three for depicting both the spatial-temporal characteristics of the daily mean and the diurnal variation of precipitation in Taiwan during the seasons of spring, summer and autumn. While for the winter season, none of the three satellite products can capture the observed regional difference in the timing of occurrence of maximum diurnal precipitation. Possible causes for the differences among TRMM, CMORPH and PERSIANN in depicting the characteristics of diurnal variation of precipitation in Taiwan during the seasons of spring, summer and autumn are also discussed. Analyses also show that the three satellites have larger differences in depicting the diurnal variation of precipitation in Taiwan, compared to the differences in depicting the diurnal variation of precipitation over the nearby ocean.
