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篇名 白藜蘆醇合併輻射對破骨細胞生成之抑制作用
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Inhibition Effect of Resveratrol Combined with Radiation Treatment on Osteoclastogenesis
作者 林群智林尚謙洪茂欽丁健益劉威忠
頁次 1503-1509
關鍵字 輻射骨質疏鬆破骨細胞白藜蘆醇破骨細胞生成RadiationOsteoporosisOsteoclastResveratrolOsteoclastogenesis
出刊日期 201709


白藜蘆醇為一種植物性酚類化合物,有減少骨量流失的潛能。白藜蘆醇與輻射可應用於骨質疏鬆的緩和處 理。然而白藜蘆醇對於破骨細胞生成之相關生物效應則較少被觀察。本研究以MTT 分析法分析白藜蘆醇對 RAW264.7 細胞之細胞毒性與增生作用,並探討白藜蘆醇與輻射對破骨細胞生成的效應及其可能相關機制。在實 驗中,細胞被分成下列組別:對照組、輻射處理組(5 Gy)、白藜蘆醇處理組及輻射線合併白藜蘆醇處理組,所有組 別進行破骨細胞與其細胞核數目之計數、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶活性表現之分析以及細胞凋亡狀況之評估。實驗結 果顯示,經白藜蘆醇或輻射線處理後,實驗組之破骨細胞數量與破骨細胞之細胞核數目皆小於對照組,且輻射線 處理會增加破骨細胞凋亡率,但白藜蘆醇對破骨細胞凋亡並無影響。由結果推論,白藜蘆醇可抑制破骨細胞活性, 此現象可能是藉由抑制單核球分化成破骨細胞所造成。


Resveratrol, a plant polyphenol compound, may have the potential to decrease bone lose. Resveratrol or radiation is applied in osteoporosis treatment. However, the bioeffects have not always been observed in osteoclastogenesis. In this study, we examined the relevant bioeffects of resveratrol or radiation on osteoclast differentiation. RAW264.7 cells were treated with radiation, resveratrol or radiation combined with resveratrol. The toxicity and proliferation of resveratrol on RAW264.7 cells were evaluated by MTT assay. RAW264.7 cells were treated with safe dose of resveratrol to investigate the osteoclastogenesis. Cells were assigned to the following groups: the control, radiation treatment (5 Gy), resveratrol treatment and a combinative treatment of radiation and resveratrol were divided in this experiment. The number of cell and nucleus of osteoclast was counted. Analysis the enzyme expression of Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) was then carried out. The apoptosis cells of osteoclast were stained by Annexin V labeling detected kit. The results showed that after treatment with resveratrol or radiation, the number of osteoclast was decreased. In addition, the number of nucleus and TRAP concentration were lower than control group. Radiation can increase the apoptosis rate of osteoclast; however, the resveratrol group had no effect compare with control group. Our results suggest that resveratrol might decrease the number of osteoclasts and inhibit osteoclast activation possibly via suppressing monocytes to differentiate osteoclasts.
