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篇名 禪修傳統的復興與東西交流──以聖嚴法師為例
卷期 4
並列篇名 The Revival of Asian Meditation Tradition in the Global Context: The Case-Study of Venerable Sheng Yen
作者 李玉珍
頁次 007-034
關鍵字 中國禪師美國華人佛教聖嚴法師漢傳佛教全球化Chinese Ch’an masterChinese Buddhism in USAVenerable Sheng yenbuddhist globalization
出刊日期 201311




The term of “modernization” in the international religious world means the frequency and distance of religious contact has been changed in such a rash way. Buddhism, as an important faculty of Asian culture, has been bridging the East and the West. However, the expending of Buddhism is not one-direction movement, initiating a complicated interaction which also reconstructing the Buddhist meditation tradition in Asia. In this paper I will discuss how Venerable Sheng Yen walked out the China Town and introduced the Chinese Ch’an an practice in New York, as well as combining Ch’an with Humanistic Buddhism in Taiwan in the previous global context. Hopefully, the achievement of Venerable Sheng Yen on promoting the Ch’an practice will illuminate the mutual interaction in the global Buddhist World.
