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篇名 法鼓山安心服務站服務模式初探—以莫拉克風災為例
卷期 4
並列篇名 The Service Model of the Peace of Mind Relief Station of Dharma Drum Mountain: by Typhoon Morakot case
作者 黃曉薇陳宜珍滿春梅釋常法
頁次 161-205
關鍵字 莫拉克風災法鼓山安心服務站四安心五四Morakot disasterDharma Drum MountainThe Peace of Mind Relief StationFivefold Spiritual Renaissance CampaignFour Fields for Cultivating Peace
出刊日期 201311


全球氣候變遷導致各國天災不斷,災變的發生造成生命財產無預警的損失,政府除了在災後必須盡快協助災區居民重建家園之外,對於受災者如何撫平傷痛、如何重返職場等,是需要長期陪伴與提供服務的。此時,具有安定人心力量的宗教團體即扮演重要角色,而災變社會工作的相關議題也在近年成為大家關注的重點。本研究主要試圖探討佛教法鼓山於莫拉克風災後的災區服務輸送模式,目的在於透過甲仙、六龜、林邊三個安心服務站(以下簡稱「安心站」)成果報告與相關人員的深度訪談,了解安心站自二○○九年成立至二○一一年兩年間的服務模式,包括安心站的服務輸送與人力動員的情況,以及聖 嚴思想的實踐等,探究道場文化與專業文化之間的融合與折 衝如何形塑安心站的服務模式? 本研究發現安心站確實發揮它的功能,成為地方的資源 網絡平台,一方面提供民眾相關的資訊,一方面也讓當地居 民獲得心靈的穩定感,提供相對長時間的陪伴與服務,目前 安心站的道場文化與專業文化在邁向融合之際,呈現不可避 免的磨合過程,普遍面臨人員流動率高、不熟悉工作方法, 與社區資源連結較薄弱等情況,這些問題都會某種程度影響 了服務的成效。因此,研究建議為:1. 安心站的工作夥伴對 於聖嚴法師「心五四」、「四安」概念的理解,以及如何在 實務工作上操作化是聖嚴思想與專業工作融合的重要關鍵;2. 安心站應以佛教教義的道場文化為基礎,吸納專業工作方法 為方針,如何訓練安心站的服務人員應是後續必須思考的議 題。


Global climate change disasters bring about loss of human life and material damage. Besides of assistance from the governments, it is critical to involve the influences of religion to comfort the traumas resulted from the disasters. The study intends to explore the service model of the Peace of Mind Relief Station of Dharma Drum Mountain established after Typhoon Morakot in 2009. Based on in depth interviews to staffs and volunteers from three stations (Jhongshan, Liouguei and Linbian), the study aims to draw out how he stations endeavour to fulfill the thoughts of Master Sheng Yen in order to proceed post-disaster reconstruction, and how religion integrates helping profession to provide services for disaster victims. It is found that the stations become resource platforms to offer material and spiritual supports for the residents. However, the difficulties in the integration between religion and profession are also found. Based on the findings, the study suggests that it is important to educate the staffs and the volunteers so as to go forward “Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign”, while social work profession is introduced.
