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篇名 聖嚴法師對《法華經》的當代詮釋
卷期 1
並列篇名 Venerable Sheng Yen’s Modern Interpretation on the Lotus Sutra
作者 黃國清
頁次 207-250
出刊日期 201003




The great and profound thoughts contained in the Lotus Sutra and Kumarajiva’s excellent Chinese translation of this canon have made the text have a great influence on the Chinese Buddhist tradition. In addition to this, there are numerous Buddhist technical terms and terms of Indian things exist in Buddhist texts, and the translation used in ancient China is a kind of hybrid Chinese which combines classic Chinese with elements of ancient spoken Chinese and Indian languages. These have become obstacles to the understanding of the Lotus Sutra for contemporary readers. Therefore, a good modern commentary on the Chinese version of this text is necessary to overcome the obstacles and expound its meaning and signi cance. Venerable Sheng Yen has long been devoted to the study of Buddhism and earned a doctoral degree in Japan. He is well versed in Buddhist theories and has published extensively in various aspects of Buddhism. Furthermore, based on his deep spiritual experience, the Venerable guides the members of sangha in Dharma Drum Mountain and millions of lay-disciples to practice dharma for a very long time. He conducts numerous Chan retreats in Taiwan and over the world. Venerable Sheng Yen combines his academic background with practical spiritual experience when interpreting the Lotus Sutra. He uses modern expressions to explain the sentences of the text with some focus on Buddhism cultivation and thus offers an excellent commentary on this text for the contemporary society. The present article discusses The Venerable’s Wondrous Dharma-teaching: A Core Commentary on the Lotus Sutra from two aspects: methods of interpretation and characteristics of thought. With regard to the former, we analyze the main contents of exegesis, the stylistic rules, and ways of annotation, to see how this work responds to the needs and reading ability of contemporary Buddhist students. As regards the characteristics of thought, through carefully examining the whole book, we present the special ideas repeatedly mentioned by the Venerable.

