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篇名 智旭《四書解》與儒佛關係論──從聖嚴法師的《明末中國佛教之研究》說起
卷期 4
並列篇名 Ouyi’s Comments on the Four Books and its thoughts on the relation of Confucianism and Buddhism: a Research Based on Master Sheng Yen’s Study of Late Ming Chinese Buddhism
作者 龔 雋
頁次 353-387
關鍵字 聖嚴智旭《明末中國佛教之研究》《四書》陽明學Master Sheng yenMaster ZhixuStudy of Late Ming Chinese BuddhismFour BooksYangming New- Confucianism
出刊日期 201311




Based on the study of Ouyi Zhixu (蕅益智旭) aroused by Master Sheng yen’s Study of Late Ming Chinese Buddhism, by studying Ouyi’s commenting on the Four Books as a sample, this research explores profoundly Ouyi’s thoughts on the relation of Confucianism and Buddhism. The research consists of three parts: in the first part, it analyzes the characteristics and the merits of Master Sheng yen’s Study of Late Ming Chinese Buddhism in the background of general study of late Ming Chinese Buddhism; in the second part, by tracing the origin and motive of Ouyi’s interpretation of the Four Books in the culture background of late Ming which is dominated by the Neo-Confucianism of Zhuxi (朱熹), it concludes that Ouyi’s Comments on the Four Books is in fact an apologetics for the Buddhism, aiming for the elimination of anti- Buddhism trends of Neo-Confucianism of Zhuxi; in the third part, it studies in details how Ouyi on one hand fights for the Buddhism against the Neo-Confucianism of Zhuxi by the shield of doctrines of Yangming school, creating a “Yangming-Buddhism school” in late Ming, and on the other hand implants his interpretations of the Four Books into the frame of Buddhism thoughts, in order to establish a orthodoxy and legitimacy of Buddhism in way of making an inter-reference between Confucianism and Buddhism.
