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篇名 大學運動選手感恩對體育道德之預測:教練領導行為調節效果
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 The prediction of university athletes’ gratitude on sportsmanship: The moderating effects of coach's leadership behavior
作者 李宙縈季力康
頁次 079-086
關鍵字 利社會行為道德民主行為專制行為moralautocratic behaviordemocratic behavior
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/240996512017120402002


近年來運動場域中道德行為頗受到關注,常有運動員為了勝利不擇手段,做出許多非體育道德行為。 本研究目的探討感恩與體育道德間的關係及教練領導行為在感恩與體育道德間的調節效果。方法:係以大專 院校運動運動選手共263位(男=183,女= 80)為研究對象。研究工具包括感恩量表、運動領導量表與多维 度體育道德量表擴展版等量表,問卷資料以皮爾遜積差相關與階層多元迴歸進行統計分析。結果:1、感恩可 以正向預測體育道德;2、知覺教練領導行為中的專制行為會調節感恩對體育道德之預測;3、知覺教練領導 行為中的民主行為會調節感恩對體育道德之預測。結論:提升運動員感恩及對於低感恩運動員宜展現教練領 導行為中的民主行為,避免教練領導行為中的專制行為,以利未來對於運動競技場域中,促使運動競技選手 更有運動道德,也促使賽事更加順利、圓滿。


Introduction: Sports ethics has been attracting attention in recent years, we often learn that many athletes did unethical behaviors unscrupulously in order to win. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gratitude and sports ethics, also the moderating effects of coach5s leadership style between above variables. Method: This study empirically measured the variables in college students using personal basic information, Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ), Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) and the Extended version of the Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale (EMSOS), estimated by use of pearson product-moment correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis to analyze data. Results: a) Gratitude can positively predict prosocial behavior. b) Autocratic behavior in perceived coach leadership style will modified the prediction between gratitude and sport moral behavior. c) Democratic behavior in perceived coach leadership style will modified the prediction between gratitude and sport moral behavior. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, we highly recommended enhancing athlete’s gratitude, promote democratic behavior in coach leadership style to those perform lower gratitude behavior athletes, and avoid autocratic behavior in coach leadership style. Make the best effort to improve athletes having sports moral in competition will promote the sports event more impartiality in the future.
