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篇名 RPE 訓練衝量法在運動訓練與監控之應用:系統性回顧
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Application of session-RPE in sport training and monitoring: A systematic review
作者 詹莘莘江杰穎
頁次 087-098
關鍵字 訓練監控運動自覺量表過度訓練training monitoringRPE scaleovertraining
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/240996512017120402003


緒論: 運動訓練的目的,是希望提升技術與體能7j(準, 使運動員在特定時間點達到表現的高峰。藉由操控訓 練強度與訓練量平擾生理恆定, 便可在後績的恢復中達到訓練的適應。近期證據,顯示, 訓練量的不當管理, 是造成傷害風險的最大原因,突顯出量t訓練過程的重要性。本文研究目的在於介紹以RPE 訓練衝量法作為 訓練量化和監控之相關研究與應用。方法:在PubMed 、Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館與Google 學術搜尋等3 個資料庫中,搜尋1995 年至2017 年09 月以監控(monitoring)、RPE 訓練衝量法(Session-RPE)、運動訓練量 (training load) )與過度訓練(overtraining)等名詞作為關鍵字之149 篇文獻進行整理。其中, 挑選出以運動員作 為受試者,同時採RPE 訓練衝量法作為監控方式之文章進行整理。結果: 59 篇文獻符合本文篩選標準’ 透過 彙整後發現以RPE 訓練衝量法(Session-RPE)作為訓練量化方式,能讓運動教練、肌力與體能專家、運科人員, 以及運動醫學團隊等專業,更完善地掌控每位選手對訓練適應的個別差異,調控選手對於訓練壓力與恢復間 平衡。結論: RPE 訓練衝量法(Session-RPE)是一種簡易、低成本且有效的訓練監控方式, 建議可在各運動凰隊 中實施, 作為訓練內容調整的一項參考依據。


Introduction: Training should provide adequate physiological and psychological stresses, in order to overload the athletes' previous preparedness, where the supercompensation might appear. However, inappropriate training load may cause in injury, illness, overtraining, or simultaneously reduce competition and training performance. Evidence has shown that poor load management is a major risk factor for injmy. Therefore, the monitoring tools that can be used to quantify training are crucial. The purpose of this review was to present the usefulness and applications of Session-RPE as a method to quantify sport training. Methods: A systematic search of electronic database, including MEDLIN£, airiti Library, google scholar. Articles related to aspects of monitoring , Session-RP£ ' training load and overtraining as keywords, published in databases during 1995-2017. 149 articles were found, however, only with subjects were athletes and used Session-RP£ as monitoring tool were considered for this study. Results: 59 articles met study inclusion criteria. On the basis of the studies in our review, we conclude that the session RPE method, the individual differences to training adaptations can be controlled more precisely by sport coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, sport scientists, and related sport medicine professions. Results: Through the session RPE method, the individual differences to training adaptations can be controlled more precisely by sport coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, sport scientists, and related sport medicine professions. Conclusion: Session-RP£ provide a cost-effective method of monitoring training load. Its simplicity can help optimize performance and reduce negative outcomes in different level of athletes.
