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篇名 橄欖球選手啟動速度與下肢爆發力之相關性分析
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Relationships between start speed and lower limbs power in rugby players
作者 林威名洪敏豪吳政文何金山
頁次 099-104
關鍵字 發力率短距離加速下蹲跳rate of force developmentshort sprint velocitycountermovement jump
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/240996512017120402004


緒論:英式橄欖球為一項身體碰撞且需頻繁進行短衝刺及瞬間改變方向的一種團隊運動。下蹲跳搭配測力板 是常見的下肢爆發力檢測方式,研究結果顯示下肢爆發力與橄欖球選手之短距離速度以及專項能力達到顯著 相關,唯過去研究短距離衝刺大多為10~30公尺,缺少啟動階段(0~5公尺)之研究,且此階段扮演相當重要 角色。因此本研究目的探討橄欖球選手啟動階段速度與最大力量、發力率之相關性。方法:招募15為男性大 專橄欖球選手作為實驗參與者。使用10台三维動作分析系統捕捉反光點軌跡(100Hz),計算2.5公尺與5公尺 之時間,以及使用Kisler測力板擷取垂直跳垂直方向地面反作用力(1000Hz)。以Mablab 2008a自行撰寫電腦 程式計算及分析資料。統計分析以皮爾森相關係數(Pearson’s correlations)檢驗參數間之相關性,顯著設定為 户<05。結果:5公尺啟動速度與最大力量及發力率分別呈現中度負相關(r= -0.616, r= -0.702),最大力量與發 力率呈現中度正相關(1=0.597)。發力率及最大力量與5公尺啟動速度達到顯著相關性。結論:透過最大肌力 訓練以及增強式跳躍訓練可改善啟動速度與短距離速度;且以5公尺啟動速度更能夠有效檢測出橄欖球選手 之啟動表現。


Introduction: Rugby is a contact sport, in which players perform a lot of accelerations and change of directions during a match. Several studies have found that the lower-limbs power correlated with the acceleration and rugby-specific ability. The aim of this study was to analyze that correlations between the start speed and lower-limbs power. Method: Subjects were fifteen male rugby players. A force plate and 3D motion analysis system were used to capture the countermovement jump and 2.5 and 5 meters data. The jump height and velocity were calculated by self-design Matlab programs. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients was used to correlate on each variable. Result: There were moderate negative correlations between the time at 5 meters and peak force, and peak rate of force development. (r = -0.601, r = -0.687). The peak force was highly correlated with the rate of force (r = 0.597). Conclusion: The rate of force development, peak force and time of 5 meters have significant correlations. The coach can improve the start speed and short sprint velocity through the maximum strength training and plyometric training.
