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篇名 不同旋踢擊角度對電子護具感應數值之影響
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 The influence of different kick angle on inductive values of electronic protector during a roundhouse kick task in taekwondo
作者 張榮三林羿君蕭新榮許志文湯文慈
頁次 105-110
關鍵字 Daedo電子護具護具得分系統踢撃角度感應數值Daedo electronic body protectorprotector and score systemkicking angleinductive values
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/240996512017120402005


緒論:跆拳道比賽大多數的得分,依賴快速且足夠的腳部踢撃力量踢撃對手軀幹和頭部有效區域的方式來獲 得分數。然而踢撃角度對電子護具感應程度尚不清楚。因此本研究目的在於探討優秀跆拳道選手以不同角度 旋踢動作對電子護具感應數值之影響。方法:本研究以擅長旋踢動作之選手20名男性選手作為實驗參與者 (身高:177.45±5.94公分;體重67.75±9.40公斤;年齡19.90±0.98歲;訓練年資:10.25±1.77年),每位實 驗參與者於六個月內均無影響執行旋踢動作之受傷紀錄。踢撃角度定義為足部與護具夾角。利用電子感應護 具與計分系統進行量測。以重複量數單因子變異數(a=05)進行統計分析,比較不同踢撃角度於電子護具力量 感應數值。結果:以不同踢撃角度踢撃電子護具感應數值達顯著差異(p < .05),經事後比較發現以90°踢撃大 於60°踢撃及大於30°踢撃,且60°踢撃大於30°踢撃。結論:以不同旋踢撃角度踢撃Daedo電子護具時,採以 60°與90°踢撃角度易達到得分的感應數值。建議為了有效得分,在旋踢動作訓練上應以60°~90°攻撃角度為主 要,以提供教練動作技術之訓練與實戰策略的參考。


Introduction: This purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of different kick angle on inductive values of electronic protector during a roundhouse kick task in taekwondo. Methods: Twenty elite Taekwondo athletes (Height: 177.45 ± 5.94 cm; Weight 67.75 ± 9.40 kg; Age: 19.90 ± 0.98 years) who were good at roundhouse kick were selected. Each experimental participant had a national standard of action, no injuries within six months, and were trained by taekwondo for more than 7 years (Taekwondo training year : 10.25±1.77 years). Each of them kicked on the electronic body protector and the responding sensor5s inductive value are recorded. The one way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to test whether the inductive value on the different kicking angle using the Electronic Body Protector will be different. The significance level was set to 0.05. Results: The different kick angle on protector regarding the impact of the inductive value were significantly different. The result showed attacking angle on protector at 90 degree had higher inductive value than 60 degree , 30 degree, and higher inductive values at 60 degree than 30 degree. Conclusion: Kicking at 60 to 90 degree attacking angle showed higher score of the induction value than 30 degree angle. It suggested that roundhouse kick should perform and training 60 ° ~ 90 ° attack angle for effective scoring. If attacking has been done at small angle, then the attacking speed need to be enhanced to adjust for the PSS property. The results of this study can be provided for training of action techniques and practical strategy reference for coaches and athletes.
