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篇名 世界盃劍道賽得分技術表現之分析
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Comparison of scoring performance in World Kendo Championships
作者 陳安寳
頁次 119-128
關鍵字 技術分析劍道訓練劍道技巧technical analysiskendo trainingkendo skills
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/240996512017120402007


緒論:本研究目的在探討世界盃劍道賽優秀選手在攻撃動作中影響得分之各項因素和出現之比例,瞭解打撃 技術特性。方法:由資深劍道教練及國家代表隊優秀選手擔任觀察員。研究信度係以觀察影帶方式使用kappa 一致性分析,並輔以記錄研究資料。研究對象為第十四屆在巴西舉行世界盃劍道錦標賽之台灣隊、日本隊與 韓國隊等三隊之隊伍。將技術動作歸納為身體位移、打撃部位、打撃密度、劍的打撃方向、打撃技法、打撃 動態及對戰勝負等七種向度。利用描述性統計與次數百分比來判定技術之優劣,觀察員所觀察次數以總次數 來換算成百分比處理。結果:一、劍道競賽中較常運用身體位移為正前(55-29%)和原地(35-24%)為主。二、在 競賽過程中三隊主要之打撃部位為日本隊著重手部(41°%)、面部(47%)。韓國隊著重面部(51%);台灣隊以打撃 手部(50%)為主。三、打撃密度都以一段式攻撃為主(日本88%、韓國85%、台灣81%)。四、較常被運用之打 撃方向為表側(日本67%、韓國43%、台灣47%)。五、主要之打撃技法以正撃為主(日本61%、韓國37%、台 灣37%)。六、競賽過程中各隊選手都運用主動攻撃(日本86%、韓國83%、台灣89%)。七、在分析勝負過程 中由統計資料表示出獲勝隊伍與其他隊伍之得分比例判定(日本4%、韓國2%、台灣1%)。結論:身體位移方 面,日本隊以向前正移為主要攻撃方向可更有效掌握攻撃時機;台灣隊則在訓練時可著重在手部與面部平均 的攻撃方式;再者打撃密度則以日本隊一段式攻撃為主。


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that affect the score of the World Championships finals and the proportions of their appearance in the attacking action, to understand the technical characteristics of the attack. Methods: The senior Kendo coach and the national team outstanding players have been observed that they were observed videos and recorded research data and used of kappa consistency analysis to explore the reliability of the data. The research scope includes the teams from Taiwan, Japan and South Korea that held the 14th World Cup Kendo Championship in Brazil, and summarized the technical actions into seven major categories: Locomotion, striking position, striking frequency, striking direction, striking pattern, striking dynamics, and final outcome. According to the video records and statistical analyses, using descriptive statistics and the percentage of percentiles to determine the pros and cons of the technology, observers observed the number of times to convert the total number of percentages instead of using the average. Results: a) The body movements most commonly used in kendo competitions were positive (55-29%) and in situ (35-24%). b) During the race, the main strike areas of the three teams were Japan (41%) and the face (47%). South Korea focused on the face (51%); Taiwan team to combat the hand (50%) based. c) The attack intensity was dominated by one-stage attacks (88% in Japan, 85% in South Korea and 81% in Taiwan). d) The more commonly used strike was the front side (67% in Japan, 43% in Korea and 47% in Taiwan). e) The main attack techniques were mainly positive shots (Japan 61%, South Korea 37%, Taiwan 37%). f) during the competition team players were using active attacks (Japan 86%, South Korea 83%, Taiwan 89%). g) In the process of analyzing the outcome, the statistical data show the score scale of winning teams and other teams (4% in Japan, 2% in South Korea and 1% in Taiwan). Conclusions: a) In the aspect of body displacement, the Japanese team should learn the positive shift as the main attack mode to be more effective in attack timing; b) Taiwanese athletes may focus on the hand and face average attack modes during training; c) Strike density should be learned from the Japanese team to a one-stage attack.
