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篇名 運用風險管理方法進行工廠火災之防治改善
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 The study of Factory Fire Prevention and Control of a Factory with Risk Management
作者 李婕漪吳富堯姜頎平
頁次 033-042
關鍵字 工業火災風險管理改善Fire PointRisk ManagementImprove
出刊日期 201709




Taiwan is a country with a very high industrial development. While we enjoy the prosperity and progress of industrialization, we must also think about the Safety of people who work these. From the fire point of view, whether it is high-tech industry or traditional industries, the same type of fire again and again the situation is very common In the history of Taiwan industrial disaster, enterprises always learned major disasters had a profound impact on society. This study is trying to find the causes of industrial fires and to prevent the fire damage.
