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篇名 從爆料新聞到爆料公社—談新媒體時代下的危機溝通轉向
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 From Exposed Message to Gossip Exposed Forum the Turn of Crisis Communication under New Media Era
作者 黃星達
頁次 089-100
關鍵字 危機溝通新媒體爆料情感動員Crisis CommunicationNew MediaExposeEmotional Mobilization
出刊日期 201709




From the past exposed message to gossip exposed forum, the turn of crisis communication due to the new media era of the impact of the type of social media. The purpose of this research is to explore the network crisis of group bursting and the perception and cognitive detonation of network emotion mobilization. To study it with the strength of weak ties theory and interview the journalists, and make the suggestion that we should fully grasp the emotions of the masses, Strengthen the news gatekeeper features and others.
