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篇名 夷狄無百年之運──運數論與夷夏觀的分析
卷期 60
並列篇名 Non-Han Regimes Never Last over One Hundred Years: Analyzing a Prophecy from the Perspective of Sino-steppe Relationship
作者 方震華
頁次 159-192
關鍵字 運數夷夏觀南宋朱元璋destiny,sino-steppe relationshipSouthern Song DynastyZhu YuanzhangYuan DynastyTHCITSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.2017.60.04




In Chinese history, many historic interpretations were given after the end of each dynasty, which described the fall of a regime as the result of its predicted destiny rather than analyzing the substantial factors causing the dynastic extinction. This kind of prophecy usually became less popular after a short period, as later historians would never mention it in their writings. However, the concept that regimes ruled by non-Han tribes never last over one hundred years is an exception. This idea appeared around the 1230s, as the Southern Song literati enthusiastically witnessed the decline of their long term rival—the Jin Dynasty, which established by the Jurchens. Although the Jurchens once controlled northern China by their strong military forces, some Song literati argued, their state came to end in only one hundred years, contrasting the fact that the Song Dynasty which obtains the “orthodoxy” still exists. The extinction of Jin Dynasty provided the Song people confidence in the Heavenly support, and concluded a principle that no non-Han regime would ever obtain the good fortune to exist for over one hundred years. This statement became even more popular after the Yuan dynasty, as the rebellions overturned the Mongol regime during the time its rule over the whole China persisted less than one hundred years. In particular, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, used this concept for political propaganda to convince people that the decline of the Yuan Dynasty was inevitable. Thus, political propaganda is the primary factor causing this prophecy to last for a long time, and this fact also demonstrates how political agenda influenced historical discourse.
