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篇名 Improvement of Student Satisfaction Using PDCA Cycles
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 運用品質改善循環提升教學滿意度
作者 陳曉藍李凱雯李安凰蕭詩立
頁次 050-057
關鍵字 teaching satisfactionPDCAPGY program教學滿意度品質改善循環畢業後臨床訓練計畫TSCI
出刊日期 201801




Purpose: We designed this project to improve satisfaction among new pharmacists in the PGY training program. We used the PDCA approach to improve items with low student satisfaction. Method: Student satisfaction surveys were completed before intervention by 11 trainees with five teachers. We selected two of the nine items with low student satisfaction for improvement. The trainees were surveyed again after intervention and the results were analyzed. Result: The level of overall student satisfaction improved from 3.3 to 4.4 points Satisfaction with "adequate teaching hours for the whole curriculum" and "teachers are adequately prepared" improved by 52% and 29.4%, respectively. Conclusion: The satisfaction survey and PDCA approach not only effectively enhanced the teaching quality but also greatly improved student satisfaction with teachers.

