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篇名 高 等教育機構評鑑 指 標系統之剖析: 以OECD國家為例
卷期 113
並列篇名 The Evaluation Indicator Systems of Higher Education Institutions: OCED Countries as Examples
作者 張雅婷
頁次 019-036
關鍵字 高等教育評鑑高等教育機構指標系統higher education evaluationhigher education institutionsindicator system
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.3966/160683002018010113003




This study reviewed some of the systems applied to higher education institutions for evaluations, with special attention to OECD countries. Through exploring the context of higher education evaluation and the concept of indicators, this study illustrated the features of the context of higher education evaluation. Then we examined the indicators of higher education evaluation systematically, demonstrating the content of those indicators and summed up the following conclusions: There is currently no consensus of establishing classification criteria for existing indicators. However, we found out that most indicator systems focus on organization goals and missions, teaching and curriculum, student learning outcomes and students support service, and emphasizing the quality and efficiency of higher education at the same time. In other words, the input and output of teaching have been put more emphasis than other missions of universities: research and the social contribution and service.
