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篇名 美感教育對幼兒園發展之探究
卷期 113
並列篇名 The Research of Aesthetic Education for Kindergarten Development
作者 何惠麗曹俊德
頁次 037-055
關鍵字 美感美感教育幼兒園發展AestheticAesthetic educationKindergarten Development
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.3966/160683002018010113004




The study is to investigate the impact of aesthetic education on kindergarten development. To explore the concept of aesthetic education meaning, kindergarten development, and other related factors by sorting out the literature. It is found that the influence of aesthetic education on kindergarten development includes three levels: First is the influence of aesthetic education on kindergarten members. Second is the influence of aesthetic education on the development of kindergarten curriculum. The third is the influence of aesthetic education on the teaching facilities of kindergarten. In the process of experiencing aesthetic experience, children can explore the beauty of things, perceive the beauty of the perception, the performance of the beauty of the mood, the creative skills of beauty, to respond the art of beauty, appreciation of the aesthetic culture, to absorb the abilities of aesthetic education which cultivates exactly to express the imagination of artistic creations , show abilities and self-confidence. At the same time, kindergarten can provide children an aesthetic atmosphere of the learning environment, create a unique style of the kindergarten, establish of brand image, create aesthetic characteristics kindergarten. Finally, according to the results of the future kindergarten business direction to make conclusions and recommendations for reference.
