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篇名 全球化趨勢下教育市場化與家長選擇權在教育現場之應然與實然
卷期 113
並列篇名 The Ideal and Reality of Marketization of Education and Parental Choices in Educational Locale under Globalization
作者 陳安琪
頁次 083-100
關鍵字 全球化教育市場化家長選擇權親師關係globalizationmarketization of educationparental choicethe interaction of parents and teachers
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.3966/160683002018010113006




Under the tide of globalization and neoliberalism, the direction of policy-making tends to enhance the country’s advantages of economic competitiveness. It becomes the first important goal to accomplish for curriculum designs, instructions, and educators to cultivate international talent people and citizens with global vision. Therefore, every country’s educational policies include market logic to strengthen the competitive mechanism. The trend of marketization of education interweaves the anxiety of global competition. Faced with the competition of international education performances, administrators of schools start to take into consideration the operating costs, profits, beneficial results and the operation and management ideas of enterprise. As a result, it has become the index of educational achievement to fit students and parents’ customizable demands, and then educational practice gradually becomes the process of serving and promoting globalization. Based on this background, the author intends to explore how marketization of education and parental choice affect teachers’ instruction and the interaction of parentsteachers- students under the trends of global competition.
