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篇名 行動智慧對未來教育發展之啟示
卷期 113
並列篇名 Wisdom for Action Gives Enlightenment for the Future Education Development
作者 林志成葉于正
頁次 101-118
關鍵字 行動智慧未來教育未來主義全球教育未來指數Wisdom for Actionfuture educationFuturismWorldwide Educating for the Future Index
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.3966/160683002018010113007




In order to accomplish the evolution of human history toward peace and sustainable development, the education system must create the future and target the future. Education means to bring human from the dark to the light, which is the bridge between potential and reality. Educators must face up to the world view and future outlook, and their Wisdom for Action is the necessary future awareness of modern education. It can effectively solve the problems of educational dilemma, education system, students, parents, teachers, schools, curricula, classrooms and various issues. All of them have futurity, contingency flexibility, and transcendence. Focusing on the learner as subject and the Wisdom for Action orientation, constructing the future education compass to guide the future education for educational activists to create a bright future.
