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篇名 非主科混齡教學實施現況之研究--以一所實驗小學為例
卷期 113
並列篇名 The Multi-grade Instruction of Non-main Disciplines in a Experimental Primary School
作者 陳黎娟
頁次 119-138
關鍵字 混齡教學差異化教學實驗教育multi-grade instructiondifferentiated teachingexperimental education
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.3966/160683002018010113008




The multi-grade instruction is based on the adjustment of the age group, teaching staff, the transformation of the curriculum materials, the change of the teaching strategy, and the learning of the students in order to maintain the learning quality of the partial school students.In this study, a case study was conducted in an experimental primary school in Chiayi County,to understand the status quo, the problems and solutions to the practice of non-subjective mixed-age teaching. Through interviews and observations, discuss the application of non - subjective mixed - age teaching in school teaching, analysis of teaching strategies,problem, strategies and school support measures in the course of non - subject science. The results are as follows: Mixed age teaching teacher teaching specialty, teachers for the adjustment of curriculum teaching more able to master. Teachers can use differentiated teaching, group study, scaffolding, dynamic assessment in the teaching process. Through school administrative support measures, teachers can be dynamically revised in the course of development and adjustment. The multi-grade instruction of non-main disciplines, school curriculum is more flexible and innovative, to practice the vision of experimental education.
