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篇名 國民中小學實施新住民語的可能問題與解決策略
卷期 113
並列篇名 Study on the Problem of Implementing the Immigrant Language and Their Strategy in Elementary and Junior High School
作者 張芳全
頁次 153-173
關鍵字 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱新住民語General Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Educationimmigrants’ language
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.3966/160683002018010113010




“General Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education” will be implemented in academic year 108 by Ministry of Education. An hour of lesson will be allotted to new immigrants’ language per week in elementary and junior high schools. However, since supplementary measures to this policy are not available yet, implementation of this rashly will bring lots of problems. Thus, interviews with 10 in-the-field teachers were conducted to find out the potential problems after this implementation and the solution strategies. This study yielded the following findings. First, if this policy is implemented too rashly, it will be difficult to achieve the policy goals; lack of relevant and quality teaching staff will be the major problem, and it will be especially difficult for schools in remote areas. Second, teaching materials are yet to be compiled; no professional staff in schools has the ability to do this task, and the existing language courses (English, Mandarin, and Hokkien) have taken students too much time to learn the new immigrants’ languages, the aims and objectives of the new immigrants’ languages are unclear and thus there will be problems for assessment. Third, the difficulties that students face may come from a lack of suitable teachers and teaching materials, time, willingness to learn, learning contexts and practice, and a confusion in the pinyin of multi-languages, etc. In terms of the solutions, the teachers interviewed recommended: the situational classrooms, life-oriented teaching, decoration of the campus environment, exhibition of the new immigrants’ culture to enhance students' interest in learning, platforms or websites for self-learning, multi-assessment, more dialogue with teachers and students, and supplementary schools to provide classes for new immigrants’ language education.
