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篇名 消費者對於溫泉保健與品質認知之研究
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 The study of hot spring wellness and quality cognition
作者 劉宜君
頁次 049-070
關鍵字 溫泉溫泉保健溫泉療效認知hot springhot spring wellnesshot spring medicationcognition
出刊日期 201712


政府對於溫泉產業的推動,賦予觀光休閒遊憩、醫療保健、地熱能源與農漁業應用 等多元目的。目前對於溫泉的利用,以觀光休閒等商業用途為主。本研究有別於以往以 單一區域與非隨機問卷調查研究,採取隨機與全國性的電話調查,近五成的受訪者最近 一年曾經泡湯,以「觀光休閒」、「消除疲勞」為主,消費時重視因素為「泡溫泉場地是 否乾淨」、「泉水是否乾淨」。受訪者多半認知到泡溫泉的好處,但對於溫泉品質的認知 比例相對偏低。建議政府強調溫泉與休閒觀光的結合外,輔導溫泉業者取得溫泉標章, 以及利用多元管道宣導溫泉管理政策的内容,包括對於溫泉水質的標準、溫泉標章的意 義與辨識,讓民眾建立正確的溫泉保健認知。


The Taiwanese government’s promotion of the hot spring industry has given the sector diverse purposes, including tourism, leisure, and recreation; medical and health care; geothermal energy production; and agricultural and fishery practices. Currently, hot springs are mostly used for commercial purposes such as tourism and leisure. Unlike past studies, which targeted a single region and adopted non-random questionnaires, this study employed random phone interviews on a national scale. Nearly 50% of the interviewees had been in a hot spring during the past year, mostly for the purposes of “tourism and leisure” and “fatigue relief” When choosing a hot spring, the factors of interest were “tidiness of the hot spring venues” and “cleanliness of the spring water.” The majority of the interviewees recognized the advantages of hot springs; yet, a relatively small portion of them had knowledge of the quality control at hot springs. This study suggested that, in addition to integration of hot springs with leisure and tourism, the government should advise hot spring facilities to obtain hot spring certifications and utilize multifarious channels to advocate the hot spring management policy, including the standard for the quality of the spring water and the significance and recognition of the “Certified Hot Spring” mark, to educate the public on proper health knowledge regarding hot springs.
