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篇名 非醫療用抗菌清潔用品之環境與健康效應:系統性回顧
卷期 25:1
並列篇名 Environmental and Health Effects of Nonmedical Antimicrobial Personal Care and Consumer Products: Systemic Review
作者 王建楠李璧伊
頁次 015-022
關鍵字 個人清潔用品三氯沙三氯卡班殺菌劑荷爾蒙干擾劑personal care products,triclosantriclocarbantriclosanantimicrobial agentendocrine disruptorsTSCI
出刊日期 201801


三氯沙(Triclosan,TCS)自1970年代便開始在醫院內使用,作為一種殺菌劑,如手術前刷 手或洗手消毒。它是一種抑菌能力相當強的化學物,水中只要加入0.03 ppm(portion per million, 百萬分之一)三氯沙,水中的微生物便無法生長。由於三氯沙是合法的抗菌化學物,可 以降低及減少微生物生長,因此廣泛應用於各種清潔用品、化妝品中,衛生福利部食藥署 登記之產品中,含有三氯沙者約有500項,包括沐浴乳、洗手乳、洗面乳、肥皂、濕紙巾、 洗衣精、洗碗精、牙膏、化妝品、防曬乳液、養髮液等,甚至去痘產品、爽足粉等亦添加 TCS。 其實美國國會早在40多年前便要求美國食品藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)評估醫療使用三氯沙之風險,如環境荷爾蒙破壞、人體健康效應等,但遲未獲正 面回應。有部分研究指出,當三氯沙與存有餘氯之自來水接觸後,會產生氯仿(三氯甲烷, 俗稱哥羅芳),可能有致癌之風險;含有三氯沙之清潔用品使用後排放,廢水中也可能產生 戴奧辛(dioxins),有害人體健康。美國之非政府組織(nongovernment organization,NGO)「自然 資源守護委員會」於2010年為此告上法院,FDA於是給廠商三年緩衝時間提出自清的證據。 由於期限已過,FDA遂於2016年9月2日公布:市面上多數宣稱可抗菌之非醫療用清潔用 品,其有效性與長期使用安全性,目前並未獲得科學證實,凡是非醫療用清潔用品使用三 氯沙等19項化學物作為抗菌劑,一年後須全部停止販賣。根據衛生福利部食藥署提供之訊 息,台灣目前僅核准使用TCS與三氯卡班(triclocarban)作為清潔用品之添加化學物,前者濃 度為0.3% wt/vol,後者為0.5% wt/vol。 美國FDA指出:截至目前,就手部衛生而言,並無充分證據支持非醫療用抗菌清潔用 品會比一般肥皂或清水沖洗來得更有效,且部分資料顯示長期使用抗菌劑可能弊多於利, 尤其在一般民眾頻繁大量使用後,可能導致皮膚上金黃色葡萄球菌產生抗藥性,演化為無 抗生素可用之超級細菌。部分動物實驗(老鼠)研究,三氯沙可能影響睪固酮、雌激素、甲狀 腺素等荷爾蒙,引發不孕症、性早熟、發育成長異常等負面健康效應,一旦持續排放至廢 水中,可能影響河流或海中之物種,導致環境荷爾蒙破壞,如台灣出海口之中性魚。綜合 上述,最後建議一般消費者不需要購買強調具有殺菌效果的生活用品,一般的清潔用品就 很足夠。


Triclosan(2,4,4’-trichloro-2’-hydroxy-diphenyl ether ,TCS) is a multi-purpose,broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent used as a common ingredient in everyday household personal care,cosmetics,dentifrices,and other consumer products.It has been used for more than 40 years.Human exposure to triclosan occurs primarily through use of everyday household personal care and other consumer products,such as soaps,shampoos,toothpastes,detergents,cosmetics and deodorants.It is part of consumer products,including kitchen utensils,toys,bedding,socks,and trash bags.Use of these products,which typically contain 0.1 to 0.3%(0.45%) of the compound,results in absorption through mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and mouth,and through the skin. Triclosan was developed in the 1960s,and used as a hospital surgical scrub and hand washes in the 1970s.TCS is a white powdered solid with a slight aromatic ,phenolic odor.Categorized as a polychloro phenoxy phenol,it is a chlorinated aromatic conmpound that has functional groups representative of both ethers and phenols.In October 2005,US FDA was convened to discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with antseptic products marketed for consumer use such as soaps labeled as antibacterial.In September 2016,the US FDA announced that after September 2017,it would prohibit the sale of consumer antiseptic weashes containing triclosan or 18 other ingredients marketed as antimicrobials,due to FAD findings of the lack of efficacy in these products. Following absorption,triclosan appears to be non-persistent,as free triclosan and its conjugates are rapidly eliminated within 24 hours.It dose not appear to accumulate in himan tissues. However,several studies have found triclosan in human urine,serum,and breast milk,suggested that the regular use of products containing triclosan appears to contribute to concentrations detected in humans.There have been many studies performed over the yeas both in vivo and in vitro,in male and female fish and rats,they all support the conclusion that triclosan possess (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic properties depending on spices,tissues,and cell types.
