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篇名 不同治療期程之大腸直腸癌術後患者疲憊認知因素探討
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Factors Associated with Postoperative Fatigue Cognition of Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Different Treatment Stages
作者 林維君賴世燜陳建信
頁次 011-023
關鍵字 癌症疲憊認知大腸直腸癌治療期程治療途徑cancerfatigue cognitioncolorectal cancersessions of treatmenttreatment approachTSCI
出刊日期 201801
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201801_22(1).0002


癌因性疲憊(cancer-related fatigue, CRF)於患者治療過程中常扮演負面影響因子進而衝擊繼續治療之 意願,本研究探討不同治療期程之術後大腸癌患者對CRF認知現況及其各構面間之差異,並從性別、年 齡、收入及不同治療途徑分析患者之疲憊認知狀況。本研究以台灣癌因性疲憊認知量表為研究工具,收 集北部某醫院大腸直腸外科之單一診間術後大腸癌患者(未治療、治療中及完成治療等三組)資料共150 份,平均年齡62.01 ± 9.42歲。結果發現,三組患者對CRF認知程度無顯著差異,女性CRF認知程度顯 著高於男性。較低收入者之CRF認知高於較高收入患者。口服化療合併放療途徑患者於期待幫助構面之 得分顯著高於放射治療途徑患者。建議於臨床中將此CRF認知量表廣泛應用於不同癌症患者,使醫護人 員對各類癌患之疲憊照護品質更為完善。


The cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in the treatment process was often seen as a negative factor that would inhibit the patients to the future treatments. The current study investigated the CRF cognition of the postoperative colorectal cancer patients in different treatment periods. The effects of gender, age, income, and various therapeutic approaches on the CRF cognition were also examined. A total of 150 patients (age 62.01±9.42 years) from a colorectal clinic of a single surgeon of a teaching hospital were interviewed with the Taiwan Cancer Related Fatigue Cognitive Questionnaire V1.0. The patients were divided into three groups: before, during and after treatment. It was found that the three groups showed no differences in the CRF. Besides, women's CRF awareness level was significantly higher than men’s. The CRF of the patients with relatively lower income was significantly higher than those with relatively higher income. The patients undergoing concurrent oral chemoradiotherapy showed significantly higher scores than the patients undergoing radiotherapy in the aspect of expecting help. The CRF cognitive questionnaire was suggested to be widely used in different cancer patients, hoping that the first-line medical personnel can offer them better medical service.
