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篇名 跨境投資技術保護與營業秘密之法制研析
卷期 29:12
並列篇名 An analysis on High-Technology Export Control and Trade Secrets Law
作者 鄭嘉文許祐寧
頁次 030-053
關鍵字 營業秘密法防止產業技術外流跨境投資與海外企業併購高科技出口管制國家安 全審查Trade Secretthe Act on Prevention of Divulgence and Protection of Industrial TechnologyCross-Border Merger & AcquisitionHigh-technology ExportNational Security Review
出刊日期 201712


科學技術的發展往往代表了一個國家產業的發展及作為競爭力的指標,而透過貿易的流 通及文化的交流,各國在科技的法律保護上亦須隨著科技發展與時俱進,因此,近年來保護 國家產業與經濟利益的技術保護法制與實務操作,已成為各國主管機關關切的重要課題。另 一方面,國際間對營業秘密要求保護的聲浪自「關稅貿易總協定」(GATT)烏拉圭回合談判 「與貿易相關之智慧財產權協定(TRIPS)」起亦有具體規範,該協定明確要求會員國對營業秘 密應予以法律保護。有鑑於此,爰參酌我國當前之產業競爭與經濟環境與國外立法例,營業 秘密法制修正乃勢在必行。 另外,除上述偏向單純就「智慧財產權」保護的背景以外,如何從國家利益的角度適當 對技術輸出進行管理,各國亦有不同作法。尤以近年來中國大陸企業大肆進行全球併購,每 每引起各國輿論從法制面檢討是否應有適當因應規範,例如在跨境投資上如何保護國家核心 技術避免外流。爰此,本研究整理各國現有及最新立法趨勢以為我國法制強化之參酌。


The purpose of high-technology export control is to prevent undue divulgence of industrial technology and protect industrial technology in order to strengthen the competitiveness of industries and preventing the threat to national security and development of the national economy. On the other hand, the protection of trade secrets has been more important nowadays. Many countries are finding a way to further reinforce the protection of trade secrets, and to prevent illegal leakage of trade secrets. Thus, hoe to make the best policy decision are controversial and a hot issue. Many companies are increasingly exposed to the misappropriation of trade secrets. Following the experiences of Japan、Korea、USA and the European Countries, they legislate against the misappropriation of high-technology and trade secrets. This essay will discuss the merit of foreign experiences and make a primary suggestion from the analysis.
