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篇名 著眼福爾摩沙一探討台灣成為德國殖民目標之始末
卷期 18
並列篇名 German Colonial Interest in Formosa in the 19th Century
作者 李克揚
頁次 101-134
關鍵字 福爾摩沙台灣德國殖民主義東亞使節團FormosaTaiwanGermanycolonialismexpedition to Eastern Asia
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/181147172017120018006


於十九世紀下半葉,尤其在I860至1870年間,部分德國知識分子對在福爾摩沙 島(台灣)建立德意志殖民地的興趣逐漸浮現。當時德國地區固然未統一,仍分為 不同的獨立領土,但日益增強的霸權國普魯士已開始著眼海外,在1859至1862年間 與數個德意志盟邦共同差遣「東亞使節團」,與日本、中國以及暹羅等遠東國度建 立外交關係並締結通商合約。使節團返德之後,主張佔領福爾摩沙的論述曾喧騰一 時,但普魯士政府並沒有採取行動,使得「德屬福爾摩沙」的主張終沒有實現。本 文要探討當時德意志輿論界對福爾摩沙島的興趣之始末、東亞使節團的歷史意義, 以及最後為何德國未曾在福爾摩沙議題上採取行動。


In the second half of the 19th century, particularly in the decade between 1860 and 1870, some voices in Germany advocated the establishment of a German-ruled colony on the island of Formosa (Taiwan). Since Germany was at that time still divided into numerous single states, the hopes of the supporters of colonial ideas were focused on the hegemonic power Prussia. The Prussian-German expedition to Eastern Asia (1859-1862) established diplomatic ties between the Germans and the countries of Japan, China and Siam, and trade and navigation treaties were signed. An annexion of Formosa, however, was never attempted. This paper intends to discuss the reasons for the German interest in Formosa, the historical significance of the expedition to Eastern Asia, and why the German interest in Formosa did not lead to any results.
