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篇名 複合式物聯網停車場防竊系統
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Application of Internet-of-Thing (IoT) Technology in the Multi-Anti-Theft System for Parking Lot
作者 王鵬凱李逢嘉林佳瑩楊書伃吳懿涵楊馥慈李妙芸
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 藍牙物聯網防竊IoTMulti-Anti-Theft System
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201803_7(1).0001


近幾年汽機車失竊率案件頻傳,本研究主要解決停車場汽機車被偷竊的問題, 將具有偵測功能的藍牙TI SensorTag裝在汽機車上,並結合車主的智慧型手機做為防 竊之依據,開發複合式停車場防竊資訊系統,本研究採用以下二種防竊機制: 1.防止整車被偷 由於每個藍牙裝置都有一個獨一無二的「藍牙裝置位置」,可作為區分汽機車與 車主的依據,當車主駕車進出停車場時,系統會偵測到『汽機車SensorTag』與『車 主智慧型手機上藍牙』的「藍牙裝置位置」,二者「藍牙裝置位置」要配對成功, 柵欄才會開啟,本方法可解決整車被竊的問題。 2.防止車上零件(財物)被偷 本研究使用加速度計偵測車輛狀態,當有竊賊嘗試偷竊將會造成震動,車上 SensorTag會回傳數據至系統判斷是否遭竊。 上述兩種防竊機制已獲得專利,可以避免整車被竊與車上財物被偷的情形,本 研究可提供停車場業者一種多重防竊機制,讓顧客停車更安全。


This invention implements Bluetooth low energy to solve the vehicle stealing problem of the parking lot. It connects Bluetooth TI SensorTag on the vehicle with the smartphone of the vehicle owner to activate two anti-theft mechanisms which are: 1. Double identification for each vehicle exiting the parking lot Exit gate of the parking lot will not be opened until the system receives that the BDA(Bluetooth Device Address) of Vehicle Bluetooth SensorTag matches with the BDA of owner smartphone Bluetooth. This mechanism solves the whole vehicle stealing problem. 2. Status detection of the vehicle with Bluetooth sensor tag When vehicle vibration is detected by the Bluetooth SensorTag, the event will be sent to the system and then inform the security and the vehicle owner. This mechanism solves the vehicle inside-property stealing problem. The two mechanisms solve the vehicle stealing problem of the parking lot whether as a whole vehicle or parts and vehicle inside property.
