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篇名 臺中市幼兒園家長親職效能與幸福感相關之研究
卷期 21
並列篇名 A Study of Parenting Efficacy and Well-being of Preschool Parents in Taichung
作者 蔣姿儀廖庭可
頁次 067-092
關鍵字 幼兒園家長幸福感親職效能parenting efficacypreschool parentswell-being
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討臺中市幼兒園家長在親職效能與幸福感的覺知現況與差異情形,進 而瞭解幼兒園家長親職效能與幸福感的關聯。本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之「臺中 市幼兒園家長親職效能與幸福感之調查問卷」為研究工具,採分層隨機抽樣方式,針對 臺中市 886 位幼兒家長進行研究。本研究之主要發現如下:一、幼兒園家長之親職效 能在中上程度,其中以照顧效能最高,其次為情感溝通及教養信心。二、幼兒園家長之 幸福感受在中上程度,其中以親子關係的感受最佳,其次為生活滿意度及身心健康。三、 幼兒園家長的親職效能會因身份別、年齡及育有子女數之不同而有顯著之差異。四、幼 兒園家長之幸福感會因年齡與教育程度之不同而有顯著的差異。五、幼兒園家長之「親 職效能」與「幸福感」達顯著正相關,其中親職效能中的「情感溝通」向度與幸福感之 相關情形最高,達中、高度的相關。六、幼兒家長親職效能的情感溝通、教養信心、照 顧效能以及教育程度對其幸福感具有顯著的預測力。


The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the preschool parents’ parenting efficacy and well-being based on the different background variables, (b) to understand the relationship between parenting efficacy and well-being. A questionnaire method was employed for this study which was a self-developed questionnaire titled “The Survey on preschool parents’ parenting efficacy and well-being in Taichung.” There were 886 preschool parents participated this study. The findings were as follows: (1)The preschool parents’ parenting efficacy in Taichung was demonstrated above average degree. The highest score is caring efficacy, followed by affective communication, parenting confidence. (2)The preschool parents’ wellbeing in Taichung was demonstrated above average degree. The parent-child relationship is the highest, followed by life satisfaction and healthy. (3)There were significant differences of preschool parents’ parenting efficacy among their different identification, age and the number of children. (4)There were significant differences of preschool parents’ well-being among age and the education level. (5)There was a significantly positive correlation between preschool parents’ parenting efficacy and well-being in Taichung. Among the dimensions of parenting efficacy, the “affective communication” was moderated to highly related to the dimensions of well-being.(6)It can be highly predicted that preschool parents’ affective communication, parenting confidence, caring efficacy and level of education to sense of well-being.
