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篇名 運用資訊化系統提升手術室骨科材料計價正確率
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Establishing Programmed Information System to Enhance Accuracy of Orthopedic Material Charging in the Operating Room
作者 許云菁陳育宜林玉棉吳素蘭王琦賀倫惠
頁次 041-052
關鍵字 手術室計價正確率資訊化operation roomaccuracy of chargeinformation system
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6540/NTJN.2018.1.004




Error of medical materials charging may lead to supply shortage, influence operation process, and increase working load of nursing staff and extra medical costs. Our investigation revealed that the error rate of orthopedic material charging was 27.3%, and the accurate rate for orthopedic perioperative nursing staff to correctly execute material charging process was 68.9%. Thus, the aim of this project was to improve the accuracy of executing charging process up to 92%. The solution was to develop a programmed information system for surgical materials, orthopedic material charging barcodes, automatic alert and short message service (SMS) reminders, and holding continuing education training. After completion of the aforementioned programs, the accuracy rate of correct material charging performed by nursing staffs increased from 68.9% to 97.6%, and the error rate of orthopedic material charging was reduced from 27.3% to 3.0%. Therefore, the goal of our project was achieved. The results may serve as references to facilitate the development of programmed information system at other medical institutes.
