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篇名 縮短骨骼銀行保存庫入出庫作業時間
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Reducing Processing Time of Bone Bank Graft Storage and Retrieval Manual
作者 葉思亨吳素蘭王美雅張瑟紋王琦石惠美
頁次 052-064
關鍵字 骨骼銀行資訊化出入庫作業bone bankelectronic information systembone graft storage and retrieval
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6540/NTJN.2018.1.005




Documentation of bone bank graft storage and retrieval is a time consuming process. The purpose of this program is to decrease the operation time for the bone bank and to avoid unnecessary working hours in advance. We have utilized bar code information system to connect data between bone donation and reception in the project. Cross-specialty laboratory data sharing protocol has also been established to store and print information automatically. With the use of this system, the operation time can be significantly reduced and the safety of musculoskeletal tissue donation is thus reassured. In this study, we find the time of bone storage processing by the theatre nurse has decreased from 608 seconds to 60 per allograft (90% reduction of operation time), and the bone graft retrieval time has declined from 442 seconds to 30 seconds per graft (92% reduction). As for the bone bank administrator, the average operation time of each graft storage or retrieval has dropped significantly from 1,200 seconds to 78 seconds per graft (92% reduction). The results achieved our project’s purpose and facilitated the hospital’s medical quality.
