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篇名 提升門診外科病人白班住院比率
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Enhancing Hospitalization Rate of Day Shift in Surgical Outpatients
作者 黃詩淳許霈欣沈淑蕙葉素娥胡瑞桃
頁次 065-076
關鍵字 門診外科病人白班住院比率surgical outpatientsday shifthospitalization rate
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6540/NTJN.2018.1.006




The project was mainly to enhance hospitalization rate of more resources day shift in surgical outpatients before 15:00. Retrospective data were used through medical information systems within the dynamic real-time query report of computer from January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014. The data collection was 1,157 patients hospitalization of total 2,817 patients in six surgical wards planned hospitalized before 15:00. The hospitalization rate before 15:00 was only 41.1%. The confirmed problems included hospitalization time-consuming process, no notification hospitalization uniform standards, time limitation, and the empty bed late release. The concept of team resource management was applied, which included four domains of leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, communication to simplify the process of hospitalization, standardization of registered hospitalization, and early release patient beds. The results showed that completely signed rate of the patient bed before 12:00 increased from 57.9 % to 74.1%. The rate of conducting discharge procedure today and tomorrow increased from 2.8% to 8.2%. The hospitalization shortened process time from 70.0 minutes to 52.0 minutes. The hospitalization rate of day shift before 15:00 increased from 41.1% to 50.4% in surgical outpatients. The project has reached the goal.
