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篇名 照護一位青少年下肢創傷合併腓神經受損個案之護理經驗
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 A Nursing Care Experience for an Adolescent with Femoral Neuropathy in the Lower Limb
作者 朱婕綾朱羽莛康瑞蘭
頁次 089-100
關鍵字 青少年腓神經受損身體心像紊亂adolescentfemoral neuropathyphysical and mental disorder
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6540/NTJN.2018.1.008




This article discussed a 16 year old adolescent with femoral neuropathy in the lower limb caused by a motor vehicle accident. During the nursing period from June 30th, 2013 to July 9th, 2013, the author collected data through direct care observations, interviews, listening, and patient chart review. The Gordon’s 11 items health function was used to assess the patient and it was determined that the patient was prone to acute pain, impaired tissue integrity, disturbance of body movement, and disturbed body image. The patient was provided with therapeutic activities, such as listening to music and watching a Japanese manga, Hanada Shonen Shi, to mitigate his attention on pain. He was given directions to increase intake of healthy high-nutrient dense foods, to comply with principles of aseptic technique in wound dressing, as well as wound self-care to promote wound healing. In addition, discussion with the physical therapist was conducted to plan for rehabilitation and to exercise legs using resistance bands to improve his daily activity and functions. Additional therapeutic activities such as video games were utilized to increase his confidence and self-fulfillment. Moreover, support group for disabled was also provided to help him overcome mental disorder and to cope with body image changes.
