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篇名 照護一位肌肉強直症併發吸入性肺炎病人之護理經驗
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 A Nursing Experience of a Myotonic Dystrophy with Aspiration Pneumonia Patient
作者 王心君沈蔓婷林怡慧劉曉君雍海鵬
頁次 113-122
關鍵字 肌肉強直症焦慮吸入性肺炎myotonic dystrophyanxietyaspiration pneumonia
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6540/NTJN.2018.1.010




This article is a nursing experience of a myotonic dystrophy with aspiration pneumonia patient. Data were collected through interview, observation, and physical assessment. Gordon’s 11 Function Health Patterns Assessment criteria were used to evaluate the patients from November 21 to December 11, 2012. The health problems included ineffective airway clearance, impaired physical mobility, anxiety and caregiver role strain, infection, and malnutrition. Measures were established through sustained and proactive caring attitude and patient trust of nursing-patient relationship in order to encourage patients and their families to express their inner the use of nursing knowledge, to enhance the patients and their families on disease care awareness, to prevent complication under the common care through professional medical team and the use of social resources, to develop individual training programs of the limb movement, and to maintain optimal health and increase patient self-care ability and families to participate in care, so that the patient can positively face the disease under the overall continuity of medical care in order to achieve holistic care.
